Title: Truth, Justice, and the American Whore, Author: Siouxsie Q
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Title: Silent War: Ministering to Those Trapped in Deception of Pornography, Author: Henry J. Rogers
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Title: From Social Justice to Criminal Justice: Poverty and the Administration of Criminal Law, Author: William C. Heffernan
Title: In Lust We Trust: Adventures in Adult Cinema, Author: Gerrie Lim
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Title: The History of Prostitution, Author: William Sanger
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Title: Perversion for Profit: The Politics of Pornography and the Rise of the New Right, Author: Whitney Strub
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Title: Media and Violence: Gendering the Debates / Edition 1, Author: Karen Boyle
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Title: The Hateful and the Obscene: Studies in the Limits of Free Expression, Author: L. W. Sumner
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