This installment in an ever-growing American history book series is aimed at high school students. The titles in this series are dedicated to a single event that notably changed American history. They contain thorough explanations of the events, including extensive use of period photos, historic primary documents, and eyewitness accounts. Key background information is included, providing the reader with context for the events. Also included are inset pages highlighting notable people or customs. These pages add entertainment value, as well as provide important anecdotal information. The installments contain a biography section of notable individuals which personalizes the faces involved in the events. Transcriptions of primary sources (e.g., speeches, eyewitness interviews, military memoranda, etc.) are also given. Ending both volumes are glossaries of important terms and bibliographies. These titles are great for teens assigned to research specific topics in American history. They provide valuable information while remaining readable. Teens can also use the authors’ source material if more sources are needed for an assignment. The topics addressed are key events in shaping 20th-century America, and are topics that cannot be glossed over or neglected. These subjects can be difficult to broach and both titles treat the issues and those affected respectfully. Purchase these for libraries in need of nonfiction for young adults. You will not be disappointed with these additions to your collection. (Defining Moments) Reviewer: Morgan Brickey; Ages 12 to 18.