Table of Contents
I. The Controversy Over the Delayed Recall of Traumatic Memories
1. Some People Recover Memories of Childhood Trauma That Never Really Happened Ira E. Hyman, Jr. (Western Washington University) and Elizabeth F. Loftus (University of Washington)
2. The Argument for the Reality of the Delayed Recall of Trauma Richard P. Kluft (Temple University School of Medicine)
II. Current Concepts of Memory
3. Neuroanatomical Correlates of the Effects of Stress on Memory: Relevance to the Validity of Memories of Childhood Abuse J. Douglas Bremner, Steven M. Southwick, John H. Krystal, and Dennis S. Charney (All: Yale University School of Medicine)
4. Inaccuracy and Inaccessibility Memory Retrieval: Contributions from Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology Wilma Koutstaal and Daniel L. Schacter (Both: Harvard University)
5. Psychoanalysis, Memory, and Trauma Robert M. Galatzer-Levy (University of Chicago)
6. The Nature and Development of Children's Event Memory Michelle D. Leichtman (Harvard University), Stephen J. Ceci (Cornell University), Marjorie B. Morse (Harvard University)
7. An Integrative Developmental Model for Trauma and Memory Mark R. Elin (Tufts University School of Medicine)
III. The Memory of Trauma
8. Memory and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Julia A. Golier (Yale University), Rachel Yehuda (Mt. Sinai School of Medicine), and Steven Southwick (Yale University)
9. Traumatic Memories Bessel van der Kolk (Boston University)
10. Continuous Memory, Amnesia, and Delayed Recall of Childhood Trauma: A Clinical Typology Mary Harvey and Judith Herman (Both: Harvard Medical School)
11. Traumatic Experiences: The Early Organization of Memory in Children and Adolescents Robert S. Pynoos, Lisa Aronson, and Alan M. Steinberg(All: University of California, Los Angeles)
IV. Trauma and Memory: Evaluation and Treatment
12. Psychoanalysis, Reconstruction, and the Recovery of Memory Howard B. Levine (Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis)
13. Psychodynamic Therapy for Patients with Early Childhood Trauma Julia A. Matthews (University of Massachusetts Medical School) and James A. Chu (Harvard Medical School)
14. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Fred H. Frankel and Nicholas A. Covino (Both: Harvard Medical School)
15. Cognitive Therapy of Dissociative Identity Disorder Colin A. Ross (Southwestern Medical Center)
16. Memories of Trauma in the Treatment of Children Maria Sauzier (Harvard MedicalSchool)
17. Diagnosis, Pathogenesis, and Memories of Childhood Abuse Lisa A. Uyehara (Tufts University Medical School)
V. The Trauma Debate and the Legal System
18. Legal Rights of Trauma Victims Wendy J. Murphy (Law Firm of Brody, Hardoon,Perkins, and Kesten)
19. For Whom Does the Bell Toll? Repressed Memory and Challenges for the Law: Getting Beyond the Statute of Limitations Rose Zoltek-Jick (Northeastern University School of Law)
20. Ethical and Clinical Risk Management Principles in Recovered Memory Cases: Maintaining Therapist Neutrality Robert I. Simon (Georgetown University School of Law) and Thomas G. Guthiel (Harvard Medical School)
21. Child Victims in the Legal System Diane H. Schetky (University of Vermont College of Medicine)
VI. Reflections on Trauma and Memory
22. Reflections on Trauma and Memory Paul S. Appelbaum (University of Massachusetts Medical School)