| About the Author | xiii |
| Foreword | xvii |
| Authorized Validation Organizations | xix |
| Introduction: Florence Trew 1872-1963: "I died" | xxiii |
Part I | Alzheimer's-Type Dementia and the Use of Validation | 1 |
Chapter 1 | Aging, Development, and Alzheimer's Disease | 3 |
| How I Learned: The Case of Isadore Rose: "You Castrated Me with Words" | 3 |
| A Theory of Life Development and the Need for Validation | 8 |
| Who Are the Old-Old and What Is Dementia? | 16 |
| The Old-Old, Dementia, and Human Needs | 23 |
Chapter 2 | The Concept and Techniques of Validation | 27 |
| What Is Validation? | 27 |
| The Principles of Validation | 28 |
| The Four Stages of Resolution | 31 |
| The Techniques of Validation | 36 |
Chapter 3 | Using Validation with People Who Are Maloriented | 49 |
| The Case of Frances, the Accuser | 49 |
| The Case of George, the Loner | 52 |
| The Case of Jenny, the Gardener | 55 |
| The Case of June, the Blamer | 59 |
| How to Read the Vital Signs of the Maloriented | 60 |
| "Helping" Techniques that Make the Maloriented Worse | 66 |
| Validation Techniques for Communicating with the Maloriented | 66 |
Chapter 4 | Using Validation with People Who Are Time Confused | 71 |
| The Case of Martha, the Birther | 71 |
| How to Read the Vital Signs of the Time Confused | 76 |
| "Helping" Techniques that Make the Time Confused Worse | 80 |
| Validation Techniques for Communicating with the Time Confused | 80 |
Chapter 5 | Using Validation with People Who Are Repetitive Movers | 87 |
| The Case of Marvin, the Pounder | 87 |
| How to Read the Vital Signs of the Repetitive Mover | 90 |
| "Helping" Techniques that Make Repetitive Movers Worse | 93 |
| Validation Techniques for Communicating with Repetitive Movers | 94 |
Chapter 6 | Using Validation with People Who Are in Vegetation | 99 |
| The Case of Nora, the Nonmover | 99 |
| How to Read the Vital Signs of People in Vegetation | 102 |
| Validation Techniques for Communicating with People in Vegetation | 103 |
Chapter 7 | Using Validation with People with Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease | 107 |
| The Case of Richard, the Mumbler | 107 |
| How to Read the Vital Signs of People with Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease | 111 |
| "Helping" Techniques that Make People with Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Worse | 113 |
| Validation Techniques for Communicating with People with Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease | 113 |
Chapter 8 | Who Benefits from Validation? | 115 |
| The Benefits of Validation for Disoriented Old-Old People | 115 |
| The Benefits of Validation for Professional Caregivers | 118 |
| The Benefits of Validation for Families | 121 |
Chapter 9 | How Validation Differs from Other Therapies Used with Old-Old People | 123 |
| Reminiscence | 124 |
| Life Review | 125 |
| Reality Orientation | 125 |
| Remotivation | 127 |
| Behavior Modification | 128 |
| Diversion and Redirection | 132 |
| Patronizing with the Therapeutic Lie | 133 |
| You Can't Fool Millie | 134 |
| A Reminiscing Group or a Validation Group? What Is the Difference? | 138 |
| Get Her Outta' Here | 139 |
| Psychotherapy | 142 |
Part II | Validation in Practice | 145 |
Chapter 10 | Communicating with People Who Are Maloriented | 147 |
| Ellen, the Hoarder: "When You Listen, I Speak Clear" | 147 |
| Lucy, the Spitter: "Bitch! Get Out of My Room!" | 155 |
| Sadie, the Martyr: "One Mother Has 10 Kids. Ten Kids Can't Care for One Mother!" | 161 |
| Peg, the Worrier: "There's a Man Under My Bed!" | 170 |
| Stewart, the Complainer: "You're Killing Me Here!" | 180 |
Chapter 11 | Communicating with People Who Are Time Confused | 189 |
| David, the Toucher: "I Am Not Dr. Willard: He's on an Extended Holiday!" | 189 |
| Margaret, the Mother: "I'm Living in My Own Home, These People Don't Belong Here!" | 199 |
| Harry, the Hitter: "Come in, You Old Battle Ax!" | 207 |
| Validating at Home: Karl, the Flasher | 212 |
Chapter 12 | Communicating with People Who Are Repetitive Movers | 217 |
| Isobel, the Poet: "I Untangle the Noodles in the Mirrors of My Mind" | 217 |
| Mary, the Pacer: "I Am Not a Sheep!" | 221 |
Chapter 13 | Communicating with Maloriented and Time Confused People Living in the Community | 227 |
| The Apartment House Manager, the Policeman, the Emergency Medical Squad, and Thomas Konig | 227 |
| The Mailman, the Grocery Clerk, the Hairdresser, and Millie Stonewall | 231 |
| The Doctor, the Meals on Wheels Volunteer, and Samuel Goode | 238 |
Chapter 14 | Validating Family Members | 243 |
| Ann and Her Mother, Trudy | 243 |
| Tips For Family Members Who Want to Validate Disoriented Relatives | 247 |
| Ann and Trudy--with Validation | 248 |
Part III | Group Validation | 251 |
Chapter 15 | Setting Up Validation Groups | 253 |
| The Value of a Validation Group | 253 |
| Who Benefits from Group Validation? | 255 |
| The Role of the Validation Group Worker | 257 |
| The Role of the Validation Group Co-worker | 260 |
| Establishing a Validation Group | 262 |
| Conducting a Validation Group Meeting | 274 |
| Example of a Validation Group | 280 |
| Who Can Practice Validation? | 285 |
Chapter 16 | Frequently Asked Questions | 287 |
Appendix | Experiences of Professionals in the United States and Abroad | 293 |
| Implementing Validation at Country Meadows Retirement Communities | 293 |
| Using Validation as a Consultant in a Richmond, Virginia, Continuing Care Retirement Community | 297 |
| Using Validation in a 60-Bed Skilled Medicare Facility in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area: An Administrator's Perspective | 301 |
| Using Validation at a 422-Bed Veterans' Home in Minneapolis, Minnesota | 305 |
| Using Validation at a Newly Purchased Facility in Maine | 309 |
| Using Validation at an Urban Nursing Home in Brooklyn, New York | 315 |
| Using Validation in a 28-Bed Dementia Unit in Rural Wisconsin | 319 |
| Using Validation at a Rural Nursing Home in Missouri | 323 |
| Using Validation at Eldercare in South Australia | 327 |
| Using Validation at the South Port Community Nursing Home in Australia | 331 |
| Using Validation at a University Hospital in France | 335 |
| References | 339 |
| Index | 343 |