Title: Gifted Children and the Law: Mediation, Due Process and Court Cases, Author: Frances A. Karnes
Title: Helping Gifted Children Soar: A Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers / Edition 1, Author: Carol A. Strip
Title: Academic Advocacy for Gifted Children: A Parent's Complete Guide, Author: Dj Fat Jo
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Title: A Love for Learning: Motivation and the Gifted Child / Edition 1, Author: Carol Strip Whitney
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Title: Identifying and Enhancing the Strengths of Gifted Learners, K-8: Easy-to-Use Activities and Lessons / Edition 1, Author: Ann Marie Maccagnano
Title: Designing and Developing Programs for Gifted Students / Edition 1, Author: Joan F. Smutny
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Title: Teaching Gifted and Talented Pupils in the Primary School: A Practical Guide, Author: Chris Smith
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Title: Program Evaluation in Gifted Education / Edition 1, Author: Carolyn M. Callahan
Explore Series
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Title: The Parallel Curriculum in the Classroom: Essays for Application Across the Content Areas, K-12, Author: Sandra N. Kaplan
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Title: Identifying and Enhancing the Strengths of Gifted Learners, K-8: Easy-to-Use Activities and Lesson, Author: Ann Marie Maccagnano
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Title: Designing and Developing Programs for Gifted Students / Edition 1, Author: Joan F. Smutny
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Title: The Parallel Curriculum in the Classroom: Units for Application Across the Content Areas K-12, Author: Carol Ann Tomlinson