Global Sourcing Logistics: How to Manage Risk and Gain Competitive Advantage in a Worldwide Marketplace / Edition 1 available in Hardcover
Global Sourcing Logistics: How to Manage Risk and Gain Competitive Advantage in a Worldwide Marketplace / Edition 1
- ISBN-10:
- 0814408923
- ISBN-13:
- 9780814408926
- Pub. Date:
- 12/28/2006
- Publisher:
Global Sourcing Logistics: How to Manage Risk and Gain Competitive Advantage in a Worldwide Marketplace / Edition 1
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"More than ever, global sourcing is an economic necessity for companies large and small, and in every industry. But with advantages in price and terms come new risks that businesses must approach effectively lest their supply chain and ultimately the whole enterprise be undermined.
Global Sourcing Logistics offers businesses a blueprint for creating standard operating procedures for managing the risks of their inbound supply chains. Filled with hands-on solutions to the challenges of global commerce, the book covers:
• reasons to (or not to) source globally
• measuring the risks versus those of other sourcing alternatives
• how to reduce landed costs
• compliance management and new Customs and Homeland Security issues
• insurance, liability, and loss control
• and much more
A must-have resource for all sourcing, supply chain, risk management. and import/export professionals, the book features tools for creating a comprehensive program to ensure competitive advantage while avoiding the pitfalls that can undermine even powerful businesses and seasoned supply chain veterans."
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9780814408926 |
Publisher: | AMACOM |
Publication date: | 12/28/2006 |
Pages: | 464 |
Product dimensions: | 6.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.50(d) |
Age Range: | 17 Years |
About the Author
Thomas A. Cook (Massapequa, NY) is the author of Mastering Import and Export Management and has more than 30 years of experience in global business and supply chain issues.
Table of Contents
"Foreword xv
Preface xvii
Acknowledgments xix
Chapter 1 1
Developing Foreign Sourcing
This chapter sets the stage for the volume of comprehensive and critical material covered in the balance of the book. It explains in an overview format just why companies look to sourcing overseas, how they will interface with foreign companies, and just what options exist in finding and managing these vendor relationships.
There is also an intensive guide to finding and qualifying overseas partners.
Sourcing vs. Outsourcing
Global Purchasing Management 101
Skill Sets for Purchasing Managers
Why Develop Sourcing Options in Foreign Markets?
Locating Manufacturing Sources
Developing Relationships with Foreign Partners
Joint Venture, Own, or Contract Out?
Chapter 2 17
The Global Sourcing Model
This chapter begins the process of dissecting the risks of global sourcing, framing the issues, and providing necessary benchmarking ideas for evaluating the importance to your organizationís supply chain.
Various case studies will be reviewed that provide insight and informed concepts into your own decision-making processes.
Identifying the Risks of Global Sourcing.
Competition for Resources
Lack of Expertise
Force Majeure
Local and Regional Politics
Currency Issues
Local and Regional Economics
Relationships between the United States and Other
Language and Culture
Energy, Communication, and Transportation
Government Posture
Legal and Proprietary Rights
U.S. Customs
The Physical Risks of Transporting Goods from
Overseas to the United States
Putting the Risks into Perspective.
Cook’s Law of Global Risk
Case Studies:
Where Foreign Sourcing Makes Sense
Where Foreign Sourcing Makes Little Sense
Options to Global Sourcing
Foreign Trade Zones
Chapter 3 37
Landed Costs
Landed Cost becomes the key factor in making sure that foreign sourcing provides competitive advantage. It is the total aggregate of all the costs to develop and bring a product to produce utilization or revenue.
Understanding how landed cost works is a key ingredient for making sure that off shore production is viable and to assure competitive inbound supply chains
Developing Landed Cost Models
Import Landed Cost Matrix
Export Landed Cost Matrix
Integrating Domestic Supply Chain Requirements
Landed Cost AnalysisCase Study
Landed Costs
Reducing Landed Costs
Sourcing from China
Best Practices from PRC China
Transportation and Logistics
Managing Service Providers: Freight Forwarders,
Customhouse Brokers, and Carriers
Third Party Logistics
Chapter 4 59
Post 9/11 and The Affect on Global Purchasing
The world changed on 9/11. This chapter peels through the layers of government scrutiny in dealing with the various government agencies engaged in enforcement and regulatory controls.
The reader will have a very detailed composite of all the necessary documentation, procedures, and legal ramifications involved in importing goods and merchandise into the United States.
In today’s competitive market, in order to run successfully a all supply chains must pay attention to all the security a compliance, and regulatory affairs that have changed importing and exporting since the events of 9/11.
Post 9/11 Overview
Compliance, Security, and Terrorism
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Container Security Initiative
24 Hour Manifest
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
Free and Secure Trade
Department of Transportation and the Transportation
Security Adminstration: Hazardous Materials
Operation Safe Commerce
Import Management Overview
Importer of Record
Reasonable Care
Supervision and Control
Ultimate Consignee
Power of Attorney
Due Diligence
Record Keeping
Documentation (Invoice) Requirements
Harmonized Tarriff Classification
Imported Product and Origin Markings
Duties and Taxes
Customs Ruling Online Research System
Intellectual Property Rights E-Recordation Online
Automated Customs Environment
Compliance Management: Post 9/11 Environment
How Supply Lines were Affected
The United States Government Reacts
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Logistics Costs Escalate
Documentation Detail
Inbound Supply Chains Required Changes
Supplier Qualifications
Compliance Management
Foreign Sourcing Executives and Export
Government Agencies
Automated Export System and Census Bureau
United States Principal Partner of Interest
Export Licensing
Denied Parties
Deemed Exports
Bis Transshipment Country Export Control Initiative
Anti-Boycott Compliance
Department of Treasury
Department of State
Chapter 5 135
Risk Management and Insurance
When we choose to operate in foreign markets, we have various insurance exposures that we now entertain. This chapter takes a hard look at identifying the various exposures a categorizing them, and offering risk management strategies to eliminate or mitigate.
We would not build a facility today without a sprinkler and alarm system as a method of managing the risks of fire and burglary, so why would we build a supply chain in sourcing from overseas suppliers and not build-in risk management and loss control features?
This chapter outlines how we reduce the risks and maximize our opportunity for a loss free global supply chain.
Insurance Exposures
Risk Management
Kidnap and Ransom
Property and Liability
Contract and Business Relationship Management
Marine Cargo
Broker and Insurance Company
Scope of Coverage
Geographic Limitations
Modes of Transit
Contingency or Unpaid Vendor Coverage or
Difference in Conditions
Duty and Taxes
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act
War Strikes, Riots, and Civil Commotions
Political Risk, Receivables, and Export Credit
Ten Steps in Managing Political Risk Insurance
Selecting Broker or Underwriter
Service Requirements
Combining Risk
Contract Review
Political Risk Intelligence
Rates, Terms, Conditions
Export Credit
Loss Control
Claims Procedures
Loss Control Management
Chapter 6 169
Developing an Inbound Supply Chain Risk Management
With all of the knowledge gained from the prior chapters, it is now apropos to put it into motion and create a “plan of action.”
The reader will have the specific tools provided for securing a program to reduce risk and create the most competitive environment to make the inbound (import) supply chain work successfully.
Developing an Inbound Supply Chain Risk Management
Spread of Risk
Applying Loss Control to Foreign Partners
Engage Foreign Partner
Exercise Patience
Invest in the Relationship
Managing the International Communication Terms
Supply Chain Standard Operating Procedures
Technology Options
Competitive Advantage
Compliance and Security Management
Federal Corrupt Practices Act
Radio Frequency Identification: Supply Chain Compliance and Security Tool
Best Practices: Ten Step Management Approach
Chapter 7 211
Closing Remarks
Glossary 215
Guide to Abbreviations and Acronyms 227
Appendix 233
Import Regulations Reference Guide
Guidance on Reexports
FDA Enforcement
Tips for New Importers and Exporters
Managing the North American Free Trade Agreement
Inbound Customs Manifest Requirements
Outline of Terrorism Act of 2002
Key to International Web Sites