Books For Parents, Family, Picture Books

An Interview with Preschool Clues Author (and Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Creator) Angela C. Santomero

Angela C. Santomero, MA, is responsible for some of the best and most influential educational programming for children today. She has created iconic blockbuster shows like Blue’s Clues, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Creative Galaxy, Super Why! and Wishenpoof. If you have a preschool age child, you have definitely come across her work. Santomero is now taking all of the lessons she’s learned about raising confident and successful kids from television and turned them into a fun and informative book for parents called Preschool Clues. We got to talk to her about Mister Rogers, parenting guilt, and the importance of Play.

You’ve created some of the most successful pre-school age shows on television. (Congrats, you!) Why did you decide to take the lessons you’ve learned from these shows and write this book now?
Thank you! As a fan of YOURS, this means so much to me! I’ve been so inspired over the years by talking to parents who are interested in how I create my shows. Because I have a Masters in Child Dev psychology, I believe in using formative research to ensure that we are teaching kids through their screens. Whether it’s reading (Super Why!) or social emotional skills (Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and Wishenpoof!) or the arts (Creative Galaxy) or kindergarten readiness skills (Blue’s Clues)—my goal is to educate. I want to educate, empower, and inspire preschoolers through each show. I’ve been cultivating my approach—into 11 “clues” over the past 25 (gulp!) years! It was time to give out the recipe!

Preschool Clues: Raising Smart, Inspired, and Engaged Kids in a Screen-Filled World

Preschool Clues: Raising Smart, Inspired, and Engaged Kids in a Screen-Filled World

Paperback $16.99

Preschool Clues: Raising Smart, Inspired, and Engaged Kids in a Screen-Filled World

By Angela C. Santomero , Deborah Reber
Foreword by Daniel R. Anderson

Paperback $16.99

Fred Rogers was a big inspiration to you and your work. Can you talk about the impact he has had on you and the shows that you’ve created?
As a four-year-old preschooler I couldn’t have sat closer to the TV when Mister Rogers was on. As I grew up, it wasn’t lost on me that Fred Rogers had a vision for educating preschoolers through media. I wanted to follow in his shoes (sneakers!) and change the way preschoolers watch television.

Fred Rogers was a big inspiration to you and your work. Can you talk about the impact he has had on you and the shows that you’ve created?
As a four-year-old preschooler I couldn’t have sat closer to the TV when Mister Rogers was on. As I grew up, it wasn’t lost on me that Fred Rogers had a vision for educating preschoolers through media. I wanted to follow in his shoes (sneakers!) and change the way preschoolers watch television.

I love how this book is broken up into 11 clues that are found in your shows to help parents set a strong foundation for their preschoolers’ development and growth. And I really love how the first clue is Play! Why is Play so important?
Play is the language of preschoolers! When we watch our preschoolers play, or we play with them, or use playful language, or even make routines or chores into a “game”, we are speaking their language! Through play, we can learn what sparks them, watch their passions emerge and understand what might be bothering them. In my shows, we ask playful questions so that preschoolers can practice key skills by playing!

Are there any clues that you think parents would be surprised to discover?
The pause! It’s a philosophy! We all, preschoolers especially, need a Four beat pause. When we pause to listen, we are giving time to process, think about the question, think about our answer and then formulate the words to tell us. When we pause, we show we care, we respect our kids, and we want to know what they think. Even with young preschoolers, we are showing them that they have a VOICE when we ask them questions….and pause for their answers. Preschoolers are some of the funniest and most brilliant people I know!

Guilt seems to be a universal feeling for most parents these days. Guilt that their kids are having too much screen time, in particular. Did you ever feel this guilt as a parent yourself and do you think these clues will help assuage some of that guilt?
Guilt is our middle name! For media, I really want us, parents, to harness its power and use it for good! We have the control to demand and choose high quality shows, games or screen time for our kids and talk about them. When we choose characters we love and stories that are thought provoking we are feeding our kids’ brains—and we don’t have to feel guilty!

What’s up next for you? More books? More shows? (Both, we hope!)
I’m a kid advocate at heart—so as long as there is a need for my voice in the world of kids media or parenting—I’m there!

Preschool Clues! is on B&N bookshelves now.