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Outlander Recap: The Wedding

OutlanderMy sister got married this June. It was a beautiful, splendid, life-altering event, rife with dancing and cake and wine and happiness. I cried easily eight times. That said, I would be lying if I claimed that her wedding was the most important one I’ve attended in recent months. That’s because this Saturday on Starz, Claire Beauchamp and Jamie Fraser got married, in the sort of televised occurrence that, for an Outlander fan, comes but once in a lifetime. Well, technically, it comes as many times as you hit the rewind button, but you get what I mean.
This week, in order to protect Claire from the clutches of the flogging-obsessed English, Jamie did the right thing and got his matrimony on. Dude proved himself to be hella romantic and old-school—or, in modern parlance, a bit of a bridezilla.  Dougal wanted a quick and easy wedding, and he was willing to shell out major window-buying-bucks to a vaguely dreamy (I’m right, aren’t I? He was dreamy-ish? It wasn’t just Jamie and Claire’s pheromones?) if cold-riddled priest. From fisticuffs to a gentleman’s agreement: ‘Tis the Outlander way.
Jamie procured a ring for his beloved, a gown purchased from some playful women of the night (P.S. Ned Gowan’s face during that scene = proverbial kid in the candy store, did it not?), and donned some fancy borrowed plaid to do the deed proper. For her part, Claire stuck her wedding band to Frank betwixt her bosom and tried not to throw up all over Jamie. Keeping it classy, girl. Much respect.
This is the part of the recap where I try to artfully say “then they had sex and learned about each other and it was all very erotic and personal,” but like, in a refined way. Sadly, I cannot pretend to be something I am not, and refined is not a word that has ever been used to describe me. Thus it was that our hero and heroine got naked and climbed upon each other, and verily, there was much rejoicing. Jamie was so happy to learn that people having sex was different than horses having sex that he gifted Claire the Scotch pearls that had once belonged to his mother. Claire, in turn, was also all about the sex that they had. It was good enough that she refused Dougal’s base advances, but not so good that she wasn’t all quietly concerned about the fact that she’s a bigamist and loving every minute of it.
Did you watch this weekend’s Outlander? Did the wedding meet your expectations?