
Step Aside, Vamps: Five More Dreamy Supernaturals

Come hither reader
Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good tale of vampiric love. I heart The Twilight Saga (haters gonna hate, etc.), and I have little to zero shame canceling plans if it means I can catch the latest episode of The Vampire Diaries or True Blood. (“I can’t,” I shrug. “Becca’s got to watch her stories.”) But even I, queen of the fanged-loved story, can see that vampires’ moment in the sun has gone on a bit long. Sure, there are always tales of beefy werewolves and even the odd sexy zombie, but what about all the other creatures who lurk in the shadows, making our hearts race but in a good way? Let’s broaden our fictive romance horizons for a moment, shall we, and imagine five supernatural beings who deserve a chance to get their sexy back—and the books that could serve as their reintroduction:
1. The Swamp Thing’s Thing: The Swamp Thing Chronicles
Excerpt: “When Kylie told him she couldn’t kiss a man who tasted like a diaper, he was grateful only that the swamp water oozing from his body hid his tears.”
2. Headless Over Heels: A Novel of the Headless Horseman
Excerpt: “I might not be able to see, think, or speak, Donna Marie—but just because I have no head, doesn’t mean I have no heart!”
3. Mummy’s The Word: Book One In The Sheila The Mummy Trilogy
Excerpt: “‘Don’t come in!’ she yelled, as the door slammed. Sheila, frazzled, tried to get her bandages back in place over her leathery cursed skin. ‘I’m…all wrapped up at the moment!'”
4. You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream, Because We Are In Love: A Banshee Book
Excerpt: “Just because I’m a banshee, doesn’t mean I don’t want what every girl wants, Colin. A home, a family, a man to love her, a beeper to alert me when death is imminent!”
5. Tiny Love: An Elf Romance
Excerpt: “She made her way carefully onto the dance floor. Thirteen people nearly squashed her like a bug, but Ellen didn’t care: she had spotted Gregory’s giant, khaki-covered leg, and that was all that mattered.”
What other supernatural beings would you like to see given a shot at love?