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Why We Love the Divergent Series, On the Page and Onscreen

It’s a good time to be a Divergent fan: the entire series (including Four) is finally out in paperback, and the first half of Allegiant is about to hit theaters, bringing us more of the ever-wonderful Shailene Woodley. There’s really only one problem—the endless debate over that familiar question: which is better, the books or the movies? And the truth is, we can’t decide. There are just too many things to love on both sides; for instance, Four’s on-page character depth and dimensionality, versus Theo James’ onscreen abs. In the spirit of fairness, equality, and peace on earth, here’s why we love Divergent no matter the format.

Allegiant (Movie Tie-in Edition)

Allegiant (Movie Tie-in Edition)

Paperback $12.99

Allegiant (Movie Tie-in Edition)

By Veronica Roth

Paperback $12.99

1. Characters that are perfectly imperfect.
Nothing is better than finding characters you can relate to. Whether they’re made up of text or celluloid, it’s their flaws and imperfections that make them seem so real—and Divergent is full of imperfect people. Tris isn’t battle-hardened or super-powered, Caleb doesn’t always make the best decisions, and Peter? Well, Peter is full of flaws. But instead of giving in to their weaknesses and mistakes, they seek growth and redemption.
2. Four. 
It’s true that no one in the series is perfect, but Four comes awfully close. He’s strong, he’s brave, he’s a tactical genius, but he’s also surprisingly cuddly and sweet at times. And Theo James’s on-screen portrayal? Yes, please. We’d make the bold claim that Allegiant is Four’s best book, and we have high hopes for his scenes in the film adaptation.
3. Bad guys that are truly bad. 
A good series has to have a good villain, and boy, does this one get points for that: the bad guys are smart, tricky, scientific—really just the worst. And therefore the best.
4.There’s no love triangle.
Everyone enjoys a love triangle (or quadrangle), but it’s so refreshing to find a series that manages to include romance without going back to the choose-between-two-incredibly-hot-dudes well. Tris and Four may not always be on the same page, and their love isn’t perfect, but at least neither of them is left breaking some poor third party’s heart.
5. Jokes! 
All that action and adventure can get a little overwhelming, so it’s nice that Veronica Roth and the movie crew toss in a bit of humor to lighten the mood. Not to mention all the great, groan-worthy puns you can enjoy after you’ve read/watched the series.

1. Characters that are perfectly imperfect.
Nothing is better than finding characters you can relate to. Whether they’re made up of text or celluloid, it’s their flaws and imperfections that make them seem so real—and Divergent is full of imperfect people. Tris isn’t battle-hardened or super-powered, Caleb doesn’t always make the best decisions, and Peter? Well, Peter is full of flaws. But instead of giving in to their weaknesses and mistakes, they seek growth and redemption.
2. Four. 
It’s true that no one in the series is perfect, but Four comes awfully close. He’s strong, he’s brave, he’s a tactical genius, but he’s also surprisingly cuddly and sweet at times. And Theo James’s on-screen portrayal? Yes, please. We’d make the bold claim that Allegiant is Four’s best book, and we have high hopes for his scenes in the film adaptation.
3. Bad guys that are truly bad. 
A good series has to have a good villain, and boy, does this one get points for that: the bad guys are smart, tricky, scientific—really just the worst. And therefore the best.
4.There’s no love triangle.
Everyone enjoys a love triangle (or quadrangle), but it’s so refreshing to find a series that manages to include romance without going back to the choose-between-two-incredibly-hot-dudes well. Tris and Four may not always be on the same page, and their love isn’t perfect, but at least neither of them is left breaking some poor third party’s heart.
5. Jokes! 
All that action and adventure can get a little overwhelming, so it’s nice that Veronica Roth and the movie crew toss in a bit of humor to lighten the mood. Not to mention all the great, groan-worthy puns you can enjoy after you’ve read/watched the series.

Divergent Series Four-Book Paperback Box Set: Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, Four

Divergent Series Four-Book Paperback Box Set: Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, Four

Paperback $51.96

Divergent Series Four-Book Paperback Box Set: Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, Four

By Veronica Roth

In Stock Online

Paperback $51.96

6. All the little changes.
You may not be able to decide between the books and the movies, but you can over-analyze every little difference between them. And what’s more fun than watching Allegiant three times in a row just to make sure you can accurately debate them on Tumblr later?
7. We could all use a trip to our fear landscape.
You know what’s terrifying? Being presented with all of your worst fears in such a concrete way. But you know what’s really satisfying? Identifying all of your worst fears and training yourself to move past them. One of the best parts of the Divergent series is how Veronica Roth shows that being afraid doesn’t stop you from being brave—and honestly, the movie depictions of the fear landscapes are just so cool. (We can’t wait to see how Four’s fear landscape changes in the film version of Allegiant.)
8. It’s gripping.
Whether you’re sitting on the edge of your seat or turning the pages as fast as you can, there’s something about this series that makes you want to hold on. And with all the action that occurs in Allegiant, we know we’re going to be absolutely dying for part two to come out in 2017.
Are you going to see Allegiant in theaters?

6. All the little changes.
You may not be able to decide between the books and the movies, but you can over-analyze every little difference between them. And what’s more fun than watching Allegiant three times in a row just to make sure you can accurately debate them on Tumblr later?
7. We could all use a trip to our fear landscape.
You know what’s terrifying? Being presented with all of your worst fears in such a concrete way. But you know what’s really satisfying? Identifying all of your worst fears and training yourself to move past them. One of the best parts of the Divergent series is how Veronica Roth shows that being afraid doesn’t stop you from being brave—and honestly, the movie depictions of the fear landscapes are just so cool. (We can’t wait to see how Four’s fear landscape changes in the film version of Allegiant.)
8. It’s gripping.
Whether you’re sitting on the edge of your seat or turning the pages as fast as you can, there’s something about this series that makes you want to hold on. And with all the action that occurs in Allegiant, we know we’re going to be absolutely dying for part two to come out in 2017.
Are you going to see Allegiant in theaters?