Title: 1,000 Vegetarian Recipes, Author: Carol Gelles
Title: At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen: Celebrating the Art of Eating Well, Author: Amy Chaplin
Title: V Is for Vegetables: Inspired Recipes Techniques for Home Cooks -- From Artichokes to Zucchini, Author: Michael Anthony
Hardcover $28.53 $40.00 Current price is $28.53, Original price is $40.00.
Title: The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook, Author: Salma Hage
Title: At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen: Celebrating the Art of Eating Well, Author: Amy Chaplin
Title: Olive Trees and Honey: A Treasury of Vegetarian Recipes from Jewish Communities around the World, Author: Gil Marks
Hardcover $25.60 $29.95 Current price is $25.60, Original price is $29.95.
Title: Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, Author: Deborah Madison
Title: Modern Vegetarian Kitchen, Author: Peter Berley