Birds of a Feather (Maisie Dobbs Series #2)

    4.3 121

    by Jacqueline Winspear



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    • ISBN-13: 9781616956325
    • Publisher: Soho Press, Incorporated
    • Publication date: 08/04/2015
    • Series: Maisie Dobbs Series
    • Edition description: Reprint
    • Pages: 320
    • Sales rank: 14,380
    • Product dimensions: 5.00(w) x 7.50(h) x 1.00(d)
    • Age Range: 18Years

    Jacqueline Winspear is the author of New York Times bestsellers Among the Mad and An Incomplete Revenge, as well as eight other Maisie Dobbs novels. Originally from Kent, England, she now lives in California.

    Brief Biography

    Ojai, California
    Date of Birth:
    April 30, 1955
    Place of Birth:
    Weald of Kent, England
    The University of London¿s Institute of Education

    Read an Excerpt

    Birds of a Feather

    By Jaqueline Winspear

    Soho Press

    Copyright © 2004 Jacqueline Winspear
    All right reserved.

    ISBN: 1-56947-368-4

    Chapter One

    Maisie Dobbs shuffled the papers on her desk into a neat pile and placed them in a plain manila folder. She took up green marble W.H. Smith fountain pen and inscribed the cover with the name of her new clients: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson, who were concerned that their son's fiancée might have misled them regarding her past. It was the sort of case that was easily attended to, that would provide a useful reference, and that could be closed with presentation of a timely report and accompanying account for her services. But for Maisie the case notes would not be filed away until those whose lives were touched by her investigation had reached a certain peace with her findings, with themselves, and with one another - as far as that might be possible. As she wrote, a tendril of jet black hair tumbled down into her eyes. Sighing, she quickly pushed it back into the chignon at the nape of her neck. Suddenly, Maisie set her pen on the blotting pad, pulled the troublesome wisp of hair free so that it hung down again, and walked to the large mirror hanging on the wall above the fireplace. She unpinned her long hair and tucked it inside the collar of her white silk blouse, pulling out just an inch or so around her chin-line. Would shorter hair suit her?

    "Perhaps Lady Rowan is right," said Maisie to her reflection in the mirror. "Perhaps it would look better in a bob."

    She turned from side to side several times, and lifted her hair just slightly. Shorter hair might save a few minutes of precious time each morning, and it would no longer come free of the chignon and fall into her eyes. But one thing held her back. She lifted her hair and turned her head. Was the scar visible? Would shorter hair fall in such a way as to reveal the purple weal that etched a line from her neck into the sensitive flesh of her scalp? If her hair was cut, would she lean forward over her notes one day and unwittingly allow a client to see the damage inflicted by the German shell that had ripped into the casualty clearing station where she was working, in France, in 1917?

    Looking at the room reflected in the mirror, Maisie considered how far she had come-not only from the dark dingy office in Warren Street that was all she had been able to afford just over a year ago, but from that first meeting with Maurice Blanche, her mentor and teacher, when she had been a maid in the household of Lord Julian Compton and his wife, Lady Rowan. It was Maurice and Lady Rowan who had noted Maisie's intellect and ensured that she had every opportunity to pursue her hunger for education. They had made it possible for the former tweeny maid to gain admission to Girton College, Cambridge.

    Maisie quickly pulled her hair into a neat chignon again, and as she pinned the twist into place, she glanced out of the floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked Fitzroy Square. Her assistant, Billy Beale, had just turned in to the square and was crossing the rain-damp gray flagstones toward the office. Her scar began to throb. As she watched Billy, Maisie began to assume his posture. She moved toward the window with shoulders dropped, hands thrust into imaginary pockets, and her gait mimicking the awkwardness caused by Billy's still-troublesome war wounds. Her disposition began to change, and she realized that the occasional malaise she had sensed several weeks ago was now a constant in Billy's life.

    As she looked down at him from what had once been the drawing room window of the Georgian building, he stretched the cuff of his overcoat over the palm of his hand and polished the brass nameplate informing visitors that the office of M. Dobbs, Psychologist and Investigator, was situated within. Satisfied, Billy straightened, drew back his shoulders, stretched his spine, ran his fingers through his tousled shock of wheaten hair, and took out his key to the main door. Maisie watched as he corrected his posture. You can't fool me, Billy Beale, she said to herself. The front door closed with a heavy thud, and the stairs creaked as Billy ascended to the office. "Morning, Miss. I picked up the records you wanted." Billy placed a plain brown envelope on Maisie's desk. "Oh, and another thing, Miss, I bought a Daily Express for you to 'ave a butcher's 'ook at." He took a newspaper from the inside pocket of his overcoat. "That woman what was found murdered in 'er own 'ome a week or two ago down in Surrey-you remember, in Coulsden-well, there's more details 'ere, of who she was, and the state she was in when she was found."

    "Thank you, Billy," said Maisie, taking the newspaper.

    "She was only your age, Miss. Terrible, innit?"

    "It certainly is." Maisie quickly scanned the story.

    "I wonder if our friend ... well, your friend, really-Detective Inspector Stratton-is involved?"

    "Most likely. Since the murder took place outside London, it's a Murder Squad case."

    Billy looked thoughtful. "Fancy 'avin' to say you work for the Murder Squad, eh, Miss? Don't exactly warm folk to you, does it?"

    Maisie scanned the newspaper quickly. "Oh, that's a newspaper invention to sell more papers. I think they started to use it when the Crippen case became big news. It used to be called the Reserve Squad, but that didn't sound ominous enough. And Criminal Investigation Department is a bit of a mouthful." Maisie looked up at Billy, "And by the way, Billy, what do you mean by my 'friend,' eh?"

    "Aw, nuffin' really, Miss. It's just that-"

    Billy was interrupted by the ringing of the black telephone on Maisie's desk. He raised his eyebrows and reached for the receiver.

    "Fitzroy five-six-double-0. Good afternoon, Detective Inspector Stratton. Yes, she's 'ere. I'll put her on." he smiled broadly, covering the receiver with his palm as Maisie, blushing slightly, held out her hand to take it.

    "Now, Miss, what was it that Doctor Blanche used to say about coincidence being a-what was it? Oh yes, a messenger of truth?"

    "That's enough, Billy," Maisie took the receiver and waved him away. "Inspector Stratton, how very nice to hear from you. I expect you're busy with the murder case in Coulsden."

    "And how did you know that, Miss Dobbs? No, don't tell me. It's probably best that I don't know."

    Maisie laughed. "To what do I owe this call, Inspector?"

    "Purely social, Miss Dobbs. I thought I'd ask if you might care to dine with me."

    Maisie hesitated, tapped the desk with her pen, and then replied,

    "Thank you for the invitation, Inspector Stratton. It really is most kind of you ... but perhaps we can lunch together instead."

    There was a pause. "Certainly, Miss Dobbs. Will you be free on Friday?"

    "Indeed. Yes, Friday would be excellent."

    "Good. I'll meet you at your office at noon, and we can go from there to Bertorelli's."

    Maisie hesitated. "May I meet you at Bertorelli's? At noon?"

    Again the line was quiet. Why does this have to be so difficult? Maisie thought.

    "Of course. Friday, noon at Bertorelli's."

    "I'll see you then. Good-bye." She replaced the receiver thoughtfully.

    "Aye-oop, 'ere's a nice cuppa for you, Miss." Billy placed the tea tray on his desk, poured milk and tea into a large enamel mug for Maisie, and placed it in front of her.

    "Don't mind me askin', Miss-and I know it ain't none of my business, like-but why don't you take 'im up on the offer of a dinner? I mean, gettin' the odd dinner fer nuffin' ain't such a bad thing"

    "Lunch and dinner are two entirely different things, and going out for luncheon with a gentleman is definitely not the same as going out to dine in the evening."

    "You get more grub at dinner, for a start-"

    Billy was interrupted by the doorbell. As he moved to the window to see who might be calling, Maisie noticed him rub his thigh and wince. The war wound, earned almost thirteen years before, during the Battle of Messines in 1917, was nipping at him again. Billy left to answer the doorbell, and as he did so, Maisie heard him negotiate the stairs with difficulty as he descended to the front door.

    "Message for M. Dobbs. Urgent. Sign 'ere, please."

    "Thanks, mate." As Billy signed for the envelope he reached into his pocket for some change to hand the messenger. He closed the door and sighed before mounting the stairs again. As he returned to the office he held out the envelope to Maisie.

    "That leg giving you trouble?" she asked.

    "Just a bit more than usual. Mind you, I'm not as young as I was."

    "Have you been back to the doctor?"

    "Not lately. There ain't much they can do, is there? I'm a lucky fella-got a nice job when there's 'undreds and 'undreds of blokes linin' up fer work. Can't be feelin' sorry for meself, can I?"

    "We're fortunate, Billy. There seems to be more business for us, what with people going missing after losing all their money, and others getting up to no good at all." She turned the envelope in her hands.

    "Well, well, well...."

    "What is it, Miss?"

    "Did you notice the return address on the envelope? This letter's from Joseph Waite."

    "You mean the Joseph Waite? Moneybags Joseph Waite? The one they call the Banker's Butcher?"

    "He's requested that I come to his residence-'soonest,' he says-to receive instructions for an investigation."

    "I suppose 'e's used to orderin' folk around and getting' 'is own way-"

    Billy was interrupted once more by the ringing telephone. "Gawd, Miss, there goes the dog-and-bone again!"


    Excerpted from Birds of a Feather by Jaqueline Winspear Copyright © 2004 by Jacqueline Winspear. Excerpted by permission.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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    Jacqueline Winspear's marvelous debut, Maisie Dobbs, won her fans from coast to coast and raised her intuitive, intelligent, and resourceful heroine to the ranks of literature's favorite sleuths. Birds of a Feather, its follow-up, finds psychologist and private investigator Maisie Dobbs on another dangerously intriguing adventure in London "between the wars." 

    It is the spring of 1930, and Maisie has been hired to find a runaway heiress. But what seems a simple case at the outset soon becomes increasingly complicated when three of the heiress's old friends are found dead. Is there a connection between the woman's mysterious disappearance and the murders? Who would want to kill three seemingly respectable young women? As Maisie investigates, she discovers that the answers lie in the unforgettable agony of the Great War.

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    From the Publisher
    Praise for Birds of a Feather

    Agatha Award Winner

    "A heroine to cherish."
    The New York Times Book Review

    Birds of a Feather succeeds both as a suspenseful mystery and as a picture of a time and place . . . Maisie’s liveliness of mind, good sense, and kind nature make her a heroine a reader can enjoy spending time with.”
    The Boston Globe
    “If you like classic mysteries . . . you’ll love Winspear’s Birds of a Feather.”
    The Denver Post
    “The eponymous heroine of Winspear’s promising debut, Maisie Dobbs (2003), continues to beguile in this chilling, suspenseful sequel . . . As in her first novel, the author gives an intelligent and absorbing picture of the period, providing plentiful details for the history buff without detracting from the riveting mystery. Readers will be eager to see more of the spunky Maisie.”
    Publishers Weekly, Starred Review

    Praise for Maisie Dobbs
    A New York Times Notable Book of the Year
    Agatha Award Winner for Best First Novel
    Macavity Award Winner for Best First Novel
    Alex Award Winner

    “Compelling . . . powerful. [Maisie Dobbs] testifies to the enduring allure of the traditional mystery . . . even though I knew what was coming this second time 'round, its final scene is still a punch in the gut.”
    —Maureen Corrigan for NPR’s Fresh Air, speaking on the 10th Anniversary edition of Maisie Dobbs

    "[A] deft debut novel . . . Romantic readers sensing a story-within-a-story won't be disappointed. But first they must be prepared to be astonished at the sensitivity and wisdom with which Maisie resolves her first professional assignment."
    The New York Times

    "The reader familiar with Alexander McCall Smith's The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency . . . might think of Maisie Dobbs as its British counterpart . . . [Winspear] has created a winning character about whom readers will want to read more."
    The Associated Press

    "[Maisie Dobbs] catches the sorrow of a lost generation in the character of one exceptional woman."
    Chicago Tribune

    “A fine new sleuth for the twenty-first century. Simultaneously self-reliant and vulnerable, Maisie isn't a character I'll easily forget.”
    —Elizabeth George, #1 New York Times Bestselling author of the Inspector Lynley series

    At first, Maisie Dobbs thinks that the Charlotte Waite case involves nothing more than a strict father and a runaway heiress. But that first impression dissolves instantly when the lifeless bodies of three of Charlotte's closest friends turn up; each of them poisoned, bayoneted, then left in a crime scene decorated by a white feather. Who committed these mocking murders? Is Charlotte Waite the culprit or merely the next name on the hit list? Maisie Dobbs's second case exhibits her powers of ingenuity and her author's narrative gifts.
    Marilyn Stasio
    What makes Maisie such a remarkable operative is the holistic philosophy that informs her humane methods. Trained in Freudian psychology and conscious of the interaction of mind and body (she even follows the exercise regimen of Joseph Pilates), Maisie insists on tracing a crime to its psychic roots -- and makes her clients sign an agreement to that effect.
    The New York Times
    Publishers Weekly
    The eponymous heroine of Winspear's promising debut, Maisie Dobbs (2003), continues to beguile in this chilling, suspenseful sequel set in England a decade after the end of the Great War. Maisie, "Psychologist and Investigator," as the brass nameplate on her office door declares, gets hired by a wealthy industrialist to find his only daughter, Charlotte Waite, who has gone missing. With the help of her cockney assistant, Billy Beale, Maisie sets out to learn all she can of Charlotte's habits, character and friends. No sooner has Maisie discovered the identities of three of these friends than they start turning up dead-poisoned, then bayoneted for good measure. At each crime scene is left a white feather. Increasingly preoccupied with these tragedies, Maisie almost loses sight of her original mission, until it becomes apparent that the murders and Charlotte's disappearance are related. As in her first novel, the author gives an intelligent and absorbing picture of the period, providing plentiful details for the history buff without detracting from the riveting mystery. Readers will be eager to see more of the spunky Maisie, with her unusual career as a one-time maid, nurse and university student. Agent, Amy Rennert. (June 15) Forecast: A Top Ten Book Sense 76 pick for 2003, Maisie Dobbs has been nominated for both Agatha and Edgar awards. A win of either of these in late May, followed by a national author tour, will help propel sales of Birds of a Feather. Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.
    Library Journal
    In this historical mystery set in 1930s England, psychologist-detective Maisie Dobbs is hired by self-made grocery tycoon Joseph Waite to find his thirtysomething runaway daughter. As Maisie painstakingly follows leads, she discovers that Charlotte Waite's friends are dying of suspicious causes and the only clue is a white feather. This carefully plotted mystery also offers glimpses of the political, social, and economic climate of postwar England. Secondary characters and plot lines enhance the novel without detracting from the main story. Kim Hicks's narration complements the text and adds atmosphere; her dialectical skill captures the range of British social classes. While this is a standalone mystery, Maisie Dobbs-the first book in the series-gives listeners insight into who Maisie and the recurring cast of characters are. Recommended for libraries with diverse mystery collections or whose patrons enjoy British mysteries or procedurals featuring women detectives.-Gwendolyn E. Osborne, Evanston, IL Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.
    School Library Journal
    Adult/High School-The spirited heroine of Maisie Dobbs (Soho, 2003) is back to solve another puzzle in post-World War I London. Having been trained by a master detective, the former serving girl now a Cambridge graduate is hired by grocery magnate Joseph Waite to find his wayward daughter, Charlotte. What begins as a simple missing-person case evolves into the investigation of three murders, all of young women who were friends during the war. Charlotte may be the next target. Chock-full of period details such as how to start a 1920s-era MG, what to buy at the grocer's, what to wear in the country, soup kitchens, and heroin use, the novel follows Maisie's progress as she uses detection, psychology, and even yogalike centering to clear her mind. There is much substance to this mystery, which mines the situations brought about by the horrors of the war-both on the front and at home, and its still simmering aftermath-plus a hint of romance and the beginning resolution of two father-daughter rifts. The story flows easily, descriptions are vivid and apt, and character is limned quickly, with each an individual. This is an utterly enjoyable and painless history lesson and a well-plotted and consistent mystery that will appeal to teens looking for more than just historical fiction.-Susan H. Woodcock, Fairfax County Public Library, Chantilly, VA Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.
    Kirkus Reviews
    It's 1930s London, and sleuth Maisie Dobbs is coping with painful personal woes while tracking a devious multiple murderer. A year after hanging out her shingle as a private investigator (Maisie Dobbs, 2003), Maisie is relieved to have a thriving business in new and nicer quarters. Still, memories and flashbacks of her heroic days as a WWI nurse frequently interrupt her current pursuits even as war veteran Billy Beale, Maisie's hard-working assistant, puts a brave face on the persistent pain he still suffers from a battle injury. When London is gripped by the unsolved murder of a young woman in Coulsdon, Maisie verbally spars over the case with courtly Inspector Stratton, who displays both professional and romantic interest in her. Meanwhile, she's hired by wealthy Joseph Waite to find Charlotte, his missing daughter, with whom he's had a stormy relationship. Sensing unhappiness in clues left behind by the young woman of her own age, Maisie feels a special affinity for her. The search gains urgency when Charlotte's friend Lydia Fisher is found murdered and both women are tied to the Coulsdon case. And there are further unwelcome complications. The drugs Billy takes for his pain lead to erratic behavior that concerns both Maisie and his devoted wife Doreen and makes him a suspect in Miss Fisher's murder. And the sudden death of Maisie's vigorous father further tests her mettle and endangers the investigation. A standard-issue mystery enhanced by elegant prose and a strong period flavor. Agent: Amy Rennert/Amy Rennert Agency

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