Title: Frank Stewart's Bridge Club, Author: Frank Stewart
Title: The New York Times Bridge Book: An Anecdotal History of the Development, Personalities, and Strategies of the World's Most Popular Card Game, Author: Alan Truscott
Title: The Bridge Players Dictionary, Author: Randall Baron
Hardcover $15.96 $19.95 Current price is $15.96, Original price is $19.95.
Title: Samurai Bridge: A Tale of Old Japan, Author: Robert F. MacKinnon
Title: Return of the Bridge Philosopher, Author: James Kauder
Title: Best of Bridge Today Digest, Author: Pamela Granovetter
Title: Adventures in Card Play, Author: Hugh Kelsey
Explore Series
Paperback $19.99 $32.95 Current price is $19.99, Original price is $32.95.
Title: Cut for Partners, Author: S. J. Simon
Title: Bridge in the Menagerie, Author: Victor Mollo
Title: Murder in the Menagerie, Author: Victor Mollo
eBook $6.99 $7.99 Current price is $6.99, Original price is $7.99.
Title: Bridge In The Fourth Dimension, Author: Victor Mollo
Title: The New Complete Book of Bridge, Author: Albert Dormer
Title: Famous Bridge Records, Author: David Bird
Explore Series
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Title: Bridge over Troubled Waters, Author: David Bird
Title: Famous Bridge Disasters, Author: David Bird
Title: The Bridge Player's Bedside Book, Author: Tony Forrester
Hardcover $15.96 $19.95 Current price is $15.96, Original price is $19.95.