Title: The Bold Dry Garden: Lessons from the Ruth Bancroft Garden, Author: Anna Palermo
Title: Creating Rain Gardens: Capturing the Rain for Your Own Water-Efficient Garden, Author: Apryl Uncapher
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Title: Rain Gardens: Sustainable Landscaping for a Beautiful Yard and a Healthy World, Author: Lynn M. Steiner
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Title: The Water-Wise Home: How to Conserve, Capture, and Reuse Water in Your Home and Landscape, Author: Laura Allen
Title: Rain Gardens: Managing Rainwater Sustainably in the Garden and Designed Landscape / Edition 1, Author: Andy Clayden
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Title: Rain Gardening in the South: Ecologically Designed Gardens for Drought, Deluge, and Everything in Between, Author: Kraus
Title: Waterwise Garden Care, Author: Cindy Bellinger
Title: The Low-Water No-Water Garden: Gardening for Drought and Heat the Mediterranean Way, Author: Pattie Barron
Title: Creating Rain Gardens: Capturing the Rain for Your Own Water-Efficient Garden, Author: Apryl Uncapher
Title: Mediterranean Gardening: A Waterwise Approach, Author: Heidi Gildemeister
Title: Taylor's Guide to Water-Saving Gardening: A Sourcebook for Gardeners, Fully Illustrated with 324 Color Photographs, Author: Gordon P. Dewolf
Title: Grow More With Less: Sustainable Garden Methods: Less Water - Less Work - Less Money, Author: Vincent Simeone
Title: The Bold Dry Garden: Lessons from the Ruth Bancroft Garden, Author: Johanna Silver
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Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway

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