Title: Federal Income Taxation of Individuals / Edition 3, Author: Boris I. I. Bittker
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Title: 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Hate Taxes / Edition 1, Author: Stephanie Greenwood
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Title: Studies in the History of Tax Law, Author: John Tiley
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Title: Federal Income Tax: Code and Regulations: Selected Sections [With CDROM], Author: Martin B. Dickinson
Title: Making Work Pay: The Earned Income Tax Credit and Its Impact on America's Families, Author:
Title: Taxation of Individual Income (2000 Supplement) / Edition 5, Author: J. Martin Burke
Title: In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State, Author: Charles Murray
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Title: Optimal Income Tax and Redistribution, Author: Matti Tuomala
Title: The Law Market, Author: Erin A. O'Hara
Title: Taxation of Individual Income / Edition 9, Author: J. Martin Burke
Title: U.S. Individual Federal Income Taxation: Historical, Contemporary, and Prospective Policy Issues / Edition 1, Author: Anthony J. Cataldo