Title: Gil Evans and His Orchestra
Title: The Individualism Of Gil Evans, Artist: Gil Evans
Title: Great Jazz Standards + New Bottle, Old Wine, Artist: Gil Evans
Title: Gil Evans & Ten, Artist: Gil Evans
Title: Live At Umbria Jazz, Vol. 1, Artist: Gil Evans
Title: Helen Merrill With Clifford Brown & Gil Evans, Artist: Helen Merrill
Title: Gil Evans & Ten, Artist:
Title: Miles Davis with Quincy Jones & The Gil Evans Orchestra: Live at Montreux 1991 [Blu-ray]
Title: Out of the Cool, Artist: Gil Evans Orchestra
Title: Out of the Cool, Artist: Gil Evans Orchestra
Title: New Bottle, Old Wine, Artist: Gil Evans
Title: Great Jazz Standards, Artist: Gil Evans Orchestra
Title: Into The Hot (Gil Evans), Artist: Pre-Order Now
Title: Emerging Updates of Radiation Oncology for Surgeons, An Issue of Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America, E-Book, Author: Gil Evans & the Monday Night Orchestra
Explore Series
eBook $92.99 $98.99 Current price is $92.99, Original price is $98.99.
Title: RMS/Gil Evans: Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1983
Title: Gil Evans: Out of the Cool: His Life and Music, Author: Stephanie Stein Crease