Title: Pinkalicious: School Rules! (I Can Read Book 1 Series), Author: Victoria Kann
Title: Never Glue Your Friends to Chairs (Roscoe Riley Rules Series #1), Author: Katherine Applegate
Title: Second Grade Rules! (Ready, Freddy! 2nd Grade #1), Author: Abby Klein
Title: Elena of Avalor Read-Along Storybook: Elena's First Day of Rule, Author: Disney Book Group
Title: Tiny Titans Vol. 4: The First Rule of Pet Club, Author: Art Baltazar
Title: I Hate Rules! #5, Author: Nancy Krulik
Title: Camp Princess 1: Born to Rule, Author: Kathryn Lasky
Title: The Junkyard Bot (Robots Rule Series #1), Author: C. J. Richards
Title: Rules for Thieves, Author: Alexandra Ott
#1 in Series