Title: Hagar The Horrible : The Epic Chronicles - Dailies 1982-83, Author: Dik Browne
Title: Hagar The Horrible : The Epic Chronicles - Dailies 1983-1984, Author: Dik Browne
Title: The Best of Hagar the Horrible (the first 10 years), Author: Dik Browne
Title: Hagar the Horrible: The Epic Chronicles: 1977-78, Author: Dik Browne
Title: Hagar the Horrible: The Epic Chronicles - Dailies 1979-80, Author: Dik Browne
Title: Complex and Derived Constructions / Edition 2, Author: Kees Hengeveld
Title: Purpose and Meaning in the Workplace, Author: Bryan J. Dik
Title: Aspects of Language Contact: New Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Findings with Special Focus on Romancisation Processes, Author: Thomas Stolz
Title: Functional Grammar in Prolog: An Integrated Implementation for English, French, and Dutch / Edition 5, Author: Simon C. Dik
Title: Hagar the Horrible: The Epic Chronicles: The Dailies 1976-1977, Author: Dik Browne
Title: Hagar the Horrible: The Epic Chronicles: The Dailies 1974-1975, Author: Dik Browne
Title: Hagar the Horrible (The Epic Chronicles) - Dailies 1980-81, Author: Dik Browne