Title: Errant Gods, Author: Erik Henry Vick
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Title: Bad Little Girl: A gripping psychological thriller with a BRILLIANT twist, Author: Frances Vick
Title: Untethered: A Magic iPhone Anthology, Author: Rhiannon Held
Title: Devils: A Collection of Devilish Short Fiction, Author: Erik Henry Vick
Title: An Obscure Haven, Author: Carol Anne Vick
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Title: Silken Lies, Author: Carol Anne Vick
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Title: SLINGSHOT, Author: Edward Vick
Title: The Summer Of Gauguin, Author: Carol Anne Vick
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Title: A Pale Paradise, Author: Carol Anne Vick
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Title: Rubies for Christmas: A Wilder Women Short Story, Author: Jacqueline Vick
Title: Storms, Author: Chris Vick
Title: Kook, Author: Chris Vick
Title: Kook, Author: Chris Vick
Title: Carrington's Pledge, Author: Jim Vick
Title: Cercando l'onda, Author: Christopher Vick
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Rooms of Ruin: Blood Of The Isir Book Two
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Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Title: Perilous Assurance, Author: Carol Anne Vick
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Title: Black Snow, Author: Larry Vick
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Title: Storms, Author: Chris Vick
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A Searching Heart (Abridged)
by Janette Oke
Narrated by  Jillian Vick
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Audiobook (Abridged)


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