Title: Chess 101, Everything a New Chess Player Needs to Know! (For Beginners), Author: David P. Schloss
Title: Mah Jong for Beginners: Based on the Rules and Regulations of the Mah Jong Association of Japan, Author: Shozo Kanai
Title: Terraria Guide For Beginners: Learn The Basics of Terraria Game, Explore Biomes, Find Materials, Build Houses, Craft Items, Discover Powerful Weapons, Defeat Monsters and Bosses, Author: Joseph Joyner
Title: Fantasy Football Basics: The Ultimate
Title: 101 chess for beginners to know how to play and how it work, Author: Roland Moore
Title: Fantasy Baseball for Beginners, Author: Sam Hendricks
Title: Bridge For Beginners, Author: Anne Bigg
Title: Magic Tricks Revealed: What They Don’t Want You To Know About Cool Magic Tricks, Magic Card Games, Magic Trick Illusions, Magic Tricks For Beginners and Magic Tricks For Kids, Author: James Alligood