Title: The Little Flower: The Story of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, Author: Windeatt
Title: The Cure of ARS: The Story of Saint John Vianney, Patron Saint of Parish Priests, Author: Mary Fabyan Windeatt
Title: The Miraculous Medal: The Story of Our Lady's Appearances to Saint Catherine of Laboure, Author: Mary F. Windeatt
Title: Saint Louis de Montfort: The Story of Our Lady's Slave, Author: Windeatt
Title: First 100 Stickers: Animals: Over 500 Stickers, Author: Roger Priddy
Title: First 100 Stickers: Trucks and Things That Go: Sticker book, with Over 500 stickers, Author: Roger Priddy
Title: First 100 Stickers: First Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Author: Roger Priddy