Title: 100 African Americans Who Shaped American History, Author: Briana Arrington-Dengoue
Title: The 100 (The 100 Series #1), Author: Kass Morgan
#1 in Series
Title: Day 21 (The 100 Series #2), Author: Kass Morgan
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Title: Day 21 (The 100 Series #2), Author: Kass Morgan
Title: Homecoming, Author: Kass Morgan
Title: Homecoming (The 100 Series #3), Author: Kass Morgan
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Title: The 100 Boxed Set, Author: Kass Morgan
Title: Rebellion (The 100 Series #4), Author: Kass Morgan
#4 in Series
Title: Rebellion, Author: Kass Morgan
Title: The 100 Complete Boxed Set, Author: Kass Morgan