Title: The 826 Quarterly, Volume 26, Author: Students of the 826 Valencia Writing Programs
Title: The 826NYC Review: Issue Two, Author: Students in Conjunction with 826 Valencia
Title: Home Wasn't Built in a Day: Constructing the Stories of Our Families, Author: Students of Galileo Academy of Science and Technology
Title: Sonny Paine, Issue One: Also Known as Sonny Paine Falls in Love, Author: Students in Conjunction with 826 Valencia
Title: The 826NYC Review: Issue One, Author: Students in Conjunction with 826 Valencia
Title: If the World Only Knew: What Sixty-Six High School Students Believe: 826 Valencia's 2015 Young Authors' Book Project, Author: Students of Mission High School
Title: The 826NYC Review: Issue Three, Author: New York City Students
Title: Rhythm of the Chain: Young Writers Explore Teamwork, Author: The Students of Animo Inglewood Charter High School
Title: Disguised as Normal Humans: The 826 Valencia Coloring Book, Author: Death Vomit
Title: Entering New Territory: Dreams for a New Los Angeles, Author: Students of Theodore Roosevelt High School
Title: Fifteen: By authors ages 8 to much older than 15, from 15 years of 826 Valencia, Author: Dave Eggers
Title: Sheep Can't Fly, Author: The Students of Garfield High School
Title: From the Couch to the Kitchen: A Book to Indulge In, Author: Students of Dorsey High School
Hardcover $13.80 $15.00 Current price is $13.80, Original price is $15.00.
Title: Elotes Man Will Soon Be Gone, Author: Students of John Marshall High School
Title: Sonny Paine, Issue Two: Also Known as Sonny Applies to College, Author: Students of New York City High School
Title: The 826 Quarterly, Volume 21, Author: Students of the 826 Valencia Writing Project
Title: We Are Here, Walking Toward the Unknown: Narratives About Adapting by students at Burton High School, Author: Othy
Paperback $12.83 $18.00 Current price is $12.83, Original price is $18.00.
Title: Nine Novels by Younger Americans, Author: Sara Bradshaw