Title: Claws of the Cat: A Shinobi Mystery, Author: Susan Spann
Title: Claws of the Cat: A Shinobi Mystery, Author: Susan Spann
Title: Blade of the Samurai: A Shinobi Mystery, Author: Susan Spann
Title: Blade of the Samurai: A Shinobi Mystery, Author: Susan Spann
#2 in Series
Title: Flask of the Drunken Master: A Shinobi Mystery, Author: Susan Spann
Title: The Ninja's Daughter: A Hiro Hattori Novel, Author: Susan Spann
Title: Betrayal at Iga: A Hiro Hattori Novel, Author: Susan Spann
#5 in Series
Title: Trial on Mount Koya: A Hiro Hattori Novel, Author: Susan Spann