Title: Implementing the Framework for Teaching in Enhancing Professional Practice: An ASCD Action Tool, Author: Danielson
Title: Solving 25 Problems in Unit Design: How Do I Refine My Units To Enhance Student Learning? (ASCD Arias), Author: Jay McTighe
Title: Teaching Students to Self-Assess: How Do I Help Students Reflect and Grow as Learners? (ASCD Arias), Author: Starr Sackstein
Title: STEM Leadership: How Do I Create a STEM Culture in My School? (ASCD Arias), Author: Brian Boyd
Title: The Formative Assessment Learning Cycle (Quick Reference Guide), Author: Susan Brookhart
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Title: Formative Assessment Strategies for Every Classroom: An ASCD Action Tool, 2nd Edition, Author: Susan M. Brookhart
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Title: Co-Planning for Co-Teaching: Time-Saving Routines That Work in Inclusive Classrooms (ASCD Arias), Author: Gloria Lodato Wilson
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Title: Real-World Projects: How do I design relevant and engaging learning experiences? (ASCD Arias), Author: Suzie Boss