Title: Capturing Our Stories : An Oral History of Librarianship in Transition, Author: Campbell/Valcour
Title: Getting the Word Out : Academic Libraries As Scholarly Publishers, Author: Maria Bonn
Title: The Embedded Librarian's Cookbook, Author: Kaijsa Calkins
Title: Navigating the Future With Scenario Planning : A Guidebook for Librarians, Author: Joan Giesecke
Title: Teen Services 101 : A Practical Guide for Busy Library Staff, Author: Megan P. Fink
Title: Strategic Planning in College Libraries, Author: Eleonora Dubicki
Title: LGBTQAI+ Books for Children and Teens : Providing a Window for All, Author: Christina Dorr
Title: Discovery Tool Cookbook : Recipes for Successful Lesson Plans, Author: P M Rees
Title: Finding a Public Voice : Barbara Fister as a Case Study, Author: Danielle Theiss
Title: Summer Matters : Making All Learning Count, Author: Margarete Wiedecke
Title: Modern Pathfinders : Creating Better Research Guides, Author: Jason Puckett
Title: 36 Workshops to Get Kids Writing : From Aliens to Zebras, Author: Tru
Title: The Knowledge Base at the Center of the Universe : Aug/Sept 2016, Author: Kristen Wilson
Title: Managing Creativity : The Innovative Research Library, Author: Ray Chu Chiu
Title: Now You're a Manager : Quick and Practical Strategies for New Mid-level Managers in Academic Libraries, Author: M. Leslie Madden
Title: Putting the User First : 30 Strategies for Transforming Library Services, Author: Courtney Greene Mcdonald

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