Title: Forging the Future of Special Collections, Author: Ronald Barr MB
Title: Valuing Your Collection : A Practical Guide for Museums, Libraries and Archives, Author: Freda Matassa
Title: Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals, Author: David Stuart
Title: Librarians and Instructional Designers : Collaboration and Innovation, Author: Joe Eshleman
Title: Creating and Managing the Full-Service Homework Center, Author: Cindy Mediavilla
Title: Coding With XML for Efficiencies in Cataloging and Metadata : Practical Applications of XSD, XSLT, and XQuery, Author: Timothy W. Cole
Title: Mother Goose on the Loose-here, There, and Everywhere, Author: Betsy Diamant-Cohen
Title: Owning and Using Scholarship : An IP Handbook for Teachers and Researchers, Author: Kevin L. Smith
Title: Copyright and e-learning : A guide for practitioners, Author: Jane Secker
Title: The Librarian's Guide to Book Programs and Author Events, Author: Brad Hooper
Title: Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook, Author: Nicole Pagowsky
Title: Exploring Digital Libraries : Foundations, Practice, Prospects, Author: Karen Calhoun
Title: Read to Succeed : Strategies to Engage Children and Young People in Reading for Pleasure, Author: Joy Court
Title: The Special Collections Handbook, Author: Alison Cullingford
Title: Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries, Author: Michael Liebe
Title: Textbooks in Academic Libraries : Selection, Circulation, and Assessment, Author: Chris Diaz
Title: Participatory Heritage, Author: Henriette Roued-cunliffe
Title: The Special Collections Handbook, Author: Alison Cullingford
Title: Snapshots of Reality : A Practical Guide to Formative Assessment in Library Instruction, Author: Mary Snyder Broussard
Title: Cultural Heritage Information : Access and Management, Author: Ian Ruthven

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