Title: Getting Started With Digital Collections : Scaling to Fit Your Organization, Author: Jane D. Monson
Title: Nonfiction in Motion : Connecting Preschoolers with Nonfiction Books Through Movement, Author: Julie Dietzel-glair
Title: Valuing Your Collection : A Practical Guide for Museums, Libraries and Archives, Author: Freda Matassa
Title: Mastering Digital Librarianship : Strategy, networking and discovery in academic libraries, Author: edited by Alison Mackenzie and Lindsey Martin
Title: The Dysfunctional Library : Challenges and Solutions to Workplace Relationships, Author: Jo Henry
Title: Zotero : A Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Educators, Author: Jason Puckett
Title: The Silence of the Archive, Author: David Thomas
Title: Managing Digital Cultural Objects : Analysis, Discovery and Retrieval, Author: Allen Foster
Title: Practical Digital Preservation : A How-to Guide for Organizations of Any Size, Author: Adrian Brown
Paperback $76.07 $85.00 Current price is $76.07, Original price is $85.00.
Title: Reengineering the Library : Issues in Electronic Resources Management, Author: George Stachokas
Title: Textbooks in Academic Libraries : Selection, Circulation, and Assessment, Author: Chris Diaz
Title: The Librarian's Guide to Book Programs and Author Events, Author: Brad Hooper
Title: Creating Inclusive Library Environments : A planning guide for serving patrons with disabilities, Author: Holy Molar
Title: Marketing Your Library's Electronic Resources : A How-to-do-it Manual for Librarians, Author: Marie R. Kennedy
Title: Affordable Course Materials : Electronic Textbooks and Open Educational Resources, Author: Chris Diaz
Title: Librarians and Instructional Designers : Collaboration and Innovation, Author: Joe Eshleman
Title: The Innovative School Librarian, Author: Sharon Markless
Title: The Handbook of Art and Design Librarianship, Author: Paul Glassman
Title: Reviewing the Academic Library : A Guide to Self-Study and External Review, Author: Eleanor Mitchell
Title: More Storytime Magic, Author: Kathy MacMillan

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