Title: 101 Scrapbooking Tips!, Author: Alan Smith
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Title: Antique Collecting, Author: Alan Smith
Title: Basket-Making for Fun & Profit, Author: Alan Smith
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Title: Fun Filled Toys, Author: Alan Smith
Title: Homemade Devices For Inventive Teens: Make Stuff For Fun, Author: Alan Detwiler
Title: How Tony Wrote and Published Two Novels, Author: Tony Grayson
Title: IntroTo Scrapbooking, Author: Alan Smith
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Title: Profitable Crafts Vol. 1, Author: Alan Smith
Title: Profitable Crafts Vol. 2, Author: Alan Smith
Title: Profitable Crafts Vol. 3, Author: Alan Smith
Title: Profitable Crafts Vol. 4, Author: Alan Smith
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Title: Scrapbooking, Author: Alan Smith
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