Title: Eighth Day Genesis: A Worldbuilding Codex, Author: Sabrina Klein
Title: The Crimson Pact, Author: Paul Genesse
Title: No Shit, There I Was, Author: Klein High School Bands & Orchestra
Title: See No Evil, Say No Evil, Author: Matt Betts
Title: Net Impact, Author: Donald J. Bingle
Title: Dangers Untold, Author: Jennifer Brozek
Title: Sidekicks!, Author: Alex Bledsoe
Title: The Crimson Pact: Volume Four, Author: Paul Genesse
Title: Bought Love Is a Salaried Position: Paragraphs to Read Aloud, Author: Steven Saus
Title: The Crimson Pact: Volume Three, Author: Paul Genesse
Title: Not Our Kind, Author: Nayad Monroe
Title: Steampunk World, Author: Jay Lake
Title: Pencils Made This Scar, Author: Steven Saus
Title: Kicking The Habit, Author: Steven Saus