Title: Portrait of a Vampire, Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: Priestess, Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: The Lady in Yellow: A Victorian Gothic Romance, Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: Lenore: A Southern Gothic Re-telling of Beauty and the Beast, Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: Brides of Darkness: Tales of Opulent Darkness, Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: The Vampire's Mirror, Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: Roses of the Moon: Book One: Dark Reliquary, Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: Roses, Briars and Blood: A Gothic Sleeping Beauty., Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: The Keys: A Gothic ReTelling of Bluebeard with Zombies, Author: Alyne de Winter
Title: The Haunted Garden: Secret of the Memento Mori, Author: Alyne de Winter