Title: American Indian Fairy Tales (Original Illustrations & Text), Author: Margaret Compton
Title: American Indian Fairy Tales (Illustrated), Author: William Trowbridge Larned
Title: The Basket Woman: A Book of Indian Tales for Children (Illustrated), Author: Mary Hunter Austin
Title: In The Reign of Coyote: Folklore from the Pacific Coast (Illustrated), Author: Katherine Chandler
Title: Two Arrows - A Story of Red and White (Original Illustrations and Text), Author: William O. Stoddard
Title: The Talking Leaves: An Indian Story (Illustrated), Author: William O. Stoddard
Title: The Autobiography of a Tame Coyote (Original Illustrations and Text), Author: Madge Morris Wagner
Title: Echoes of the Forest: American Indian Legends (Original Illustrations and Text), Author: William Edgar Brown
Title: To The American Indian (Illustrated), Author: Mrs. Lucy Thompson
Title: The Boy's Book About Indians (Illustrated Edition), Author: Rev. Edmund Bostwick Tuttle
Title: The Story of Red Feather: A Tale of the American Frontier (Illustrated), Author: Edward S. Ellis
Title: Massacre of Salt Creek Prairie and Cow-Boy's Verdict (Illustrated), Author: Jarden Home Brands
Title: The Red Indian Fairy Book (Illustrated Edition), Author: Frances Jenkins Olcott