Title: It Can't Be Wrong!: The Bill of Rights, Author: Marsh
Title: Lewis and Clark Go On a Hike: The Story of the Corp. of Discovery, Author: Carole Marsh
Title: Quit Bossing Us Around : The Declartion of Independence, Author: Marsh
Title: Fight for Equality: The U S Civil Rights Movement ( 1776 American Milestone Series), Author: Carole Marsh
Title: How Our Nation Was Born: The American Revolution ( 1776 American Milestone Series), Author: Carole Marsh
Title: Sign on the Dotted Line!: The U.S. Consitution, Author: Marsh
Title: When Brother Fought Brother: The American Civil War (1776 American Milestone Series), Author: Carole Marsh
Title: Brother, Can You Sapre a Dime?: The Great Depression and the New Deal, Author: Marsh
Title: Industrial Revolution, From Muscles to Machines, Author: Marsh
Title: The Transcontinental Railroad: The Big Race to the Golden Spike, Author: Carole Marsh
Title: I Want To Go To School!: Brown v. Board of Education, Author: Marsh
Title: Jamestown: America's First Permanent English Settlement, Author: Carole Marsh
Title: The 13 Colonies: A New Life in a New World!, Author: Carole Marsh
Title: Galloping West with the Pony Express: The Mail Must Go Through!, Author: Carole Marsh