This Is an Honour Song: Twenty Years since the Blockades
This is an Honour Song is a collection of narratives, poetry, and essays exploring the broad impact of the 1990 resistance at Kanehsatà:ke, otherwise known as the "Oka Crisis." The book is written by leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists, scholars, activists and traditional people, and is sung as an Honour Song celebrating the commitment, sacrifices and achievements of the Kanien'kehaka individuals and communities involved.
This Is an Honour Song: Twenty Years since the Blockades
This is an Honour Song is a collection of narratives, poetry, and essays exploring the broad impact of the 1990 resistance at Kanehsatà:ke, otherwise known as the "Oka Crisis." The book is written by leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists, scholars, activists and traditional people, and is sung as an Honour Song celebrating the commitment, sacrifices and achievements of the Kanien'kehaka individuals and communities involved.
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This Is an Honour Song: Twenty Years since the Blockades

This Is an Honour Song: Twenty Years since the Blockades

This Is an Honour Song: Twenty Years since the Blockades

This Is an Honour Song: Twenty Years since the Blockades

Paperback(New Edition)

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This is an Honour Song is a collection of narratives, poetry, and essays exploring the broad impact of the 1990 resistance at Kanehsatà:ke, otherwise known as the "Oka Crisis." The book is written by leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists, scholars, activists and traditional people, and is sung as an Honour Song celebrating the commitment, sacrifices and achievements of the Kanien'kehaka individuals and communities involved.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781894037419
Publisher: Arbeiter Ring Publishing
Publication date: 09/20/2010
Edition description: New Edition
Pages: 366
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Leanne Simpson is a researcher, writer, and educator of Mississauga and Scottish ancestry. She is a member of the gidigaa bzhiw dodem and a citizen of the Nishnaabeg nation. Leanne holds a PhD from the University of Manitoba and is the past director of Indigenous Environmental Studies at Trent University. Her research interests include Indigenist theory and methodology, Indigenous political cultures and traditional governance, Nishnaabeg women, Indigenous Knowledge, and Indigenous philosophies on land and the environment. Leanne currently teaches at the Centre for World Indigenous Knowledgeat Athabasca University and has previously taught at Trent University, the University of Victoria, the University of Manitoba, and Tampere University in Finland.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements IX

This Is An Honour Song Kiera L. Ladner Leanne Simpson 1

Bad Indians Ryan Red Corn 11

Niimkiig Leanne Simpson 15

How Far Would You Go? A Women's Perspective on the Twenty Years Since the "Oka Crisis" harmony Rice 21

Oka To Ipperwash: The Necessity of Flashpoint Events Peter H. Russell 29

Cowboys and Indians Wab Kinew 47

Dust Waubgeshig Rice 53

When Hope Can Be a Lie Al Hunter 55

Hashinoqwah Judy Da Silva 59

Honour Songs in Multiple Harmonies gkisedtanamoogk 75

Learning Relations and Grounding Solidarity: A Critical Approach to Honouring Struggle Sheila Gruner 91

Lessons From the Bridge: On the Possibilities of Anti-Racist Feminist Alliances in Indigenous Spaces Robinder Kaur Sehdev 105

The Crisis in Oka, Manitoba Douglas Raymond Nepinak 125

Love and Other Resistances: Responding To Kahnesatà:ke Through Artistic Practice Wanda Nanibush 165

Visual Artists Rebecca Belmore Greg Hill Robert Houle Gerald McMaster Jane Ash Poitras Shelley Niro 175

How Golf And Lasagna Changed My Life Or The Kanehsatà:ke Resistance Of 1990 Greg Hill 195

Ayum-Ee-Aawach Oomama-Mowan: Speaking to Their Mother Daina Augaitis Rebecca Belmore 205

Untitled Kate Monture 211

Rights And Roots: Addressing A New Wave of Colonialism Melina Laboucan-Massimo 213

The Seventh Generation Clayton Thomas-Muller 219

"We'Re Protecting, Not Protesting": Jacob Ostaman Leanne Simpson 223

Protecting Our Lands Paula Sherman Leanne Simpson 229

Echoes Of Impermanence: Kanehsatà:Ke, Bimaadiziiwin and the Idea of Canada Damien Lee 235

Cîhcam Neal McLeod 245

The Journalist and the Angry White Mob: Reflections from the Field Michael Orsini 249

Angry Indians, Settler Guilt, and the Challenges of Decolonization and Resurgence Richard J.F. Day 261

The Mohawk Refusal Arthur Kroker 271

You're Enemy Tongue charlie greg sark 275

Gratitude And Inspiration: An Honour Song About Kanehsatà:Ke June McCue 279

The Human Right to Celebrate: Achieving Justice for Aboriginal Peoples Patricia A. Monture 289

From Little Things... Kiera L. Ladner 299

Wísakedják and the Colonizer Paula Sherman 315

Epilogue: Fraudulent Theft of Mohawk Land by the Municipality of Oka Ellen Gabriel 345

Contributors 349

Index 359

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