Title: Archaeology Magazine, Author: Archaeological Institute of America
Title: Aegean Prehistory: A Review, Author: Tracey Cullen
Title: Archaeological Institute of America 117th Annual Meeting Abstracts, Volume 39, Author: Archaeological Institute of America
Title: Pottery and Society: The Impact of Recent Studies in Minoan Pottery. Gold Medal Colloquium in Honor of Philip P Betancourt, 104th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, LA, 5 January 2003, Author: Erin E. Hayes
Title: The Orientalizing Bucchero from the Lower Building at Poggio Civitate (Murlo), Author: Jon Berkin
Explore Series
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Title: Beyond Iconography: Materials, Methods, and Meaning in Ancient Surface Decoration, Author: Sarah Lepinski
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Title: Aegean Prehistory: A Review / Edition 1, Author: Tracey Cullen
Title: Archaeological Institute of America Abstracts 2017 (Vol 40), Author: Archaeological Institute of America
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