Title: Bonhoeffer for Armchair Theologians, Author: Stephen R. Haynes
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eBook $9.99 $14.00 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.00.
Title: Luther for Armchair Theologians, Author: Steven D. Paulson
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eBook $9.99 $14.00 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.00.
Title: Barth for Armchair Theologians, Author: John R. Franke
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eBook $9.99 $14.00 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.00.
Title: Calvin for Armchair Theologians, Author: Christopher Elwood
Title: Wesley for Armchair Theologians, Author: William J. Abraham
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eBook $9.99 $14.00 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.00.
Title: Luther for Armchair Theologians, Author: Steven Paulson
Title: The Reformation for Armchair Theologians, Author: Glenn S. Sunshine
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eBook $9.99 $14.00 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.00.
Title: Calvin for Armchair Theologians, Author: Christopher Elwood
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eBook $9.99 $14.00 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.00.
Title: Aquinas for Armchair Theologians, Author: Timothy Renick
Title: Heretics for Armchair Theologians, Author: Justo L. González
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eBook $9.99 $14.00 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.00.
Title: Augustine for Armchair Theologians, Author: Stephen A. Cooper
Title: The Niebuhr Brothers for Armchair Theologians, Author: Scott R. Paeth
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eBook $9.99 $14.00 Current price is $9.99, Original price is $14.00.
Title: The Reformation for Armchair Theologians, Author: Glenn Sunshine