Title: Ascension Magick: Ritual, Myth & Healing for the New Aeon, Author: Christopher Penczak
Title: The Ascension Rays, Book One: Empowerment, Author: Chris Comish
Title: The Crystal Connection: A Guidebook for Personal and Planetary Ascension, Author: Randall N. Baer
Title: The Ascension Rays, Book Three: Healing, Author: Chris Comish
Title: The Ascension Rays, Book Four: Activation, Author: Chris Comish
Title: The Ascension Rays, Book Two: Clearing, Author: Chris Comish
Title: The Ascension Rays, Book Five: Manifestation, Author: Chris Comish
Title: The Ascension Rays, Book Six: Source Connection, Author: Chris Comish
Title: Help, I'm Trapped In This Lifetime!: How to prepare for and understand the coming ascension and how you may be affected, Author: Ron Kalvin