Mother Earth has ascended and can no longer exist in the negative energies of the Third Dimension. This book reveals the truth behind Ascension in 2012 and explains how people can save the world by raising their energies to the state of oneness and unconditional love of the Creator.
We now have a new chance to build a future free of war, religion and the illusion of separation from God. The Great Cosmic Council brings forth the highest truth of the universe through the channelling of author Victoria Cochrane in a bid to expel the fallacies that we have come to believe. They tell the truth about creation, our oneness with the Creator of All That Is and of how our life here on Earth is the way our souls learn the lessons we have chosen to learn for our spiritual evolvement.
Mother Earth has ascended and can no longer exist in the negative energies of the Third Dimension. This book reveals the truth behind Ascension in 2012 and explains how people can save the world by raising their energies to the state of oneness and unconditional love of the Creator.
We now have a new chance to build a future free of war, religion and the illusion of separation from God. The Great Cosmic Council brings forth the highest truth of the universe through the channelling of author Victoria Cochrane in a bid to expel the fallacies that we have come to believe. They tell the truth about creation, our oneness with the Creator of All That Is and of how our life here on Earth is the way our souls learn the lessons we have chosen to learn for our spiritual evolvement.
Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Before and After Ascension: The Highest Truth
80Raising the Energies of Mother Earth Before and After Ascension: The Highest Truth
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Mother Earth has ascended and can no longer exist in the negative energies of the Third Dimension. This book reveals the truth behind Ascension in 2012 and explains how people can save the world by raising their energies to the state of oneness and unconditional love of the Creator.
We now have a new chance to build a future free of war, religion and the illusion of separation from God. The Great Cosmic Council brings forth the highest truth of the universe through the channelling of author Victoria Cochrane in a bid to expel the fallacies that we have come to believe. They tell the truth about creation, our oneness with the Creator of All That Is and of how our life here on Earth is the way our souls learn the lessons we have chosen to learn for our spiritual evolvement.
Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9781452508627 |
Publisher: | Victoria Cochrane |
Publication date: | 12/09/2016 |
Edition description: | Reprinted |
Pages: | 80 |
Product dimensions: | 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.19(d) |
Read an Excerpt
Raising the Energies of Mother Earth towards and after Ascension 2012
The Highest TruthBy Victoria Cochrane
Balboa Press
Copyright © 2013 Victoria CochraneAll right reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-0862-7
Chapter One
The Creator of All That Is
Wisdom is not written. Wisdom is just known. It comes from the ages and speaks the truth. We know what we know because we have lived it. We have seen it for ourselves.
Knowledge comes from our Creator, who knows all there is to know. It is freely given to us and is to be used with our free will for the highest and best intentions. The Creator loves us unconditionally. There is no room for judgement and condemnation, for the very essence of him is love. That is all there is.
You can feel him in your heart space. He is in every part of you. Every breath that you take is at one with the Creator. Nothing is separate from him. He has never left you, and he has never stopped loving you.
This is the highest truth. Let no man tell you that God does not love you or that God will strike you down with no mercy. The universe has been made on the promise of love and love only. Free will allows man to feel hatred and to seek vengeance on his fellow man, but do not allow him to tell you it is on God's behalf that he wreaks his wrath.
Let God wrap his love around you like a blanket. Feel it in your veins. He whispers in the trees and he loves you like a child. You are his child. Know that he is with you and a part of you. When you are one with God, you are one with the All. When you know this, when you truly know it, you will know and speak only of love. That is all.
I am God, the Creator.
I love you.
It is so.
The Sacredness of Life
All life is sacred. Mother Earth gives life and protects all of her children. The trees are the keepers of the Earth. They stand like sentries and hold guard for decades and centuries, knowing Mother Earth's secrets and keeping them safe. The tree sprites, nymphs, and fairies are the essence of nature. They guard the waterways, the plants, and the trees. They hold the energy of the Earth and sprinkle it with their magic. Fairies are what bring nature to lifethey are the colours of the grass, of the flowers, and of the water. They are the tinkle of the stream and the call of the birds. They are the joy of the day and the magic of the night. They love life, and they bring their harmonies to all things that are of the Earth. They live in the sacredness, and they hold that energy for all things.
All living things have been created as sacred and perfect in the eyes of the Creator. No living thing is less important than the other. All is created as equal. Man is of no more importance than his cat or the tree on the hill. All is sacred; all is one. Man must love all things equally, and when he does, he will no longer feel that he needs to rule or possess. Mother Earth gives of her treasures freely. She has provided all that any life needs to be sustained while it is alive. But man has taken advantage of this gift, to the detriment of other life. He feels he must be the best, dominate, and rule. Sacred life is squandered, and Mother Earth dies.
A new chance awaits as Mother Earth prepares to ascend and take all life with her. Mother Earth holds all life in the bosom of her love, and she promises that all will come to those who cherish their lives as she does. For when we show love for the Earth, when we hold the Earth as sacred, we show love for ourselves, and we hold ourselves as sacred. We allow ourselves to be cherished, nurtured, and loved as completely as Mother Earth does and as God does. All is one. One is the all. That is all.
The world is safeit has been saved. The war has been won. It is only a matter of time before the whole world knows peace and love and the destruction of the past is behind us.
There are many happenings on Earth that are a result of decisions made in haste, lust, and greed. Yet there are many more that have more sinister undertones. The work of the dark forces cannot be undone, yet the light from the lightworkers of the world has greatly assisted in transmuting the intentions of these forces into events with lesser degrees of impact than were originally intended.
Let only love hold the space in your hearts and minds. Your thoughts must be centred on giving of yourself to others in service and with the highest and best of intentions. What serves the world will serve you, not the other way around. Ego has been the dominant force on Earth for far too long. When you let love take over, all will fall into place. The world as God intended will be restored, and the world will be at peace once again.
It will not be long before the world knows this. In fact, those of you reading this message may already do so. Be still and hear God's message. Hear him speak to you as a Father/Mother. You are loved, cherished, nurtured and cared for. You lessons are sanctioned, and the promises made to you are unbroken. Feel his love filling your heart and feeding your spirit. Know that when you rest in him, all will be well.
Mother Earth turns and will continue to do so, but she will be a new mother. She will be more vibrant, more stable, more radiant, and more dormant. Her hills will be aglow with the radiance of a new dawn, and her skies will be clearer than they have been for many a century.
Fear has been the main construct of man's mind for the longest time. The controlling forces of fear have kept him a puppet to materialism and to greed. He has not been able to speak his own mind or to stand in his power as a master or a servant, yet he has been a slave to the forces who silently and malevolently wielded their power. He has been controlled, manipulated, and forced to suffer unspeakable inhumanities by those who would hold the dominions of power and control of the Earth. This has now come to an end.
It will take some time to rid the Earth of all the hatred, greed, and lust for power that has been widespread. Even though ascension will be a force of reckoning for many, the energies of the Earth will be renewing for the next year. Take your time to adjust. Feel the new energy flow through your veins. Know that this new age of love and peace that has lain dormant within you is now awakening you to your true self: one of acceptance, love, and a oneness with God that you have long forgotten but will know henceforth as the only way to live, to know God, and to know yourself.
Peace comes in all forms but is only of the best intentions when it comes from a place of love and harmony. Many people live peaceful lives in service to themselves, and others live peaceful lives in service to others. The true meaning of peace comes from within. It is a true union between one's soul and the Creator. It is a love and acceptance of themselves in spirit as well as themselves as their human representations on Earth. When you accept who you are, that you are perfect in every way with nothing to be sorry for, will you truly know peace.
The world will know peace when humans are at peace with themselves, for the oneness they know with God, the Creator, will bring only love to their hearts. The true meaning of peace is love for oneself away from the world and in total oneness with God.
That is all.
Unspoken Truths
I speak now of the hidden truths and meanings of the Holy Bible. The New Testament was scribed by those who knew Jesus or by those who had links to them. Many of the chapters in the Bible are just letters or stories told to others but have since been taken to be truth. They have become part of a document that has been taken too literally as the indisputable word of God.
God speaks to man and through man, whose words and deeds can reflect or deflect God's truth. Man chooses how he interprets words spoken as God's words. The interpretation of these words has led to many untruths being upheld by religions around the world as gospel. It is time for these mistruths to be dispelled.
The word of God is love. God speaks only of love. His begotten son, Jeshua ben Joseph, was deemed as the saviour, and indeed, his coming awoke man to the presence of God and to the magic of his light and love.
God asks that the words spoken in the Bible be seen for what they are: representations of a time when thoughts and deeds were seen as representations of God's will. It was a time when the church took the coming of Jesus as its own and turned it into the only way to know Godthe only way to think, act, and live eternal life. This is a nonsense. Jesus will willingly lead you to God's love, but he is not God himself. God is not a religion: God is love, and he is also man. God is life itself. He is in manthe air he breathes and the life he lives. To know and love yourself is to know and love God. Jeshua is a way, but he is not the only way. If you are lost he will lead you, but do not worship Jesus. Love and respect him. Talk to him and join with him in worshipping the Creator. When you do that, you will know oneness and peace. You will truly know love, and you will truly know yourself.
These are the unspoken truths.
To know the truth is to know God. Our God, the Creator, speaks only the truth. He does not lie or speak fallacies to stroke the ego. He speaks plainly and simply to the heart, not the mind. When you accept the truth, you are in divine union with God. All else will flow. There is no hiding from truth, for it cannot be undone. When you hide from truth you put into place a series of karmic steps that will lead you full circle back to what matters the most: the truth.
Facing truths is a hard lesson for many who have tried to cover their tracks with lies. Free will allows man to make choices that he deems are for his highest and best when, in fact, they hide who he really isnot only from others, but mostly from himself. When we deny ourselves, we deny God. We see ourselves as shadows of our true selves. We shine a light that is false. Yet others may see this and shy away, knowing that the person who speaks is not the person who is.
Know your truth and speak it. Do not speak it with judgement or condemnation; rather, speak it with love and tolerance. You are the perfect image of God in your own right. Shine your light from your divine heart. Love yourself for who you are.
You chose this.
You are living it. This is your truth. Be proud.
Love is all there is.
And so it is.
The Dawning of Ages
Take a moment to consider how the world was born. The Bible will tell you that God made the world in one week, but this is a fallacy. God held the intention that worlds would be created where life could take forma place where souls could reside to live in harmony, learn their lessons, and evolve in their spiritual form.
Many worlds were created, but their physical forms took many eons to evolve. The evolution of man on Earth was a natural progression from ape to human. This was deliberate. One cannot evolve without learning lessons. One cannot gain knowledge if there are no lessons to learn. As one learns, one growsnot just in wisdom, but also in form.
Many millions and billions of years have passed in cycles of life and time. Many lessons have been learned, but many have also been spurned. The Earth has come to ascension to bring man back to his roots of unconditional love and absolute truth. There is no room for anger or retribution, as it will only serve to bring man back to Third Dimensional vibrations. Mother Earth is raising herself and all who accompany her to a Fifth Dimensional level. It is simply time to do so.
Life on Earth is no accident. It was designed and created by God to live in perfect harmony and synchronicity. As one species evolves, another follows, so that all life can live perfectly in tune with Mother Earth without any need to change or destroy it.
Change brings evolution, and evolution brings change. The design of the universe is of perfect synchronicity, love, and harmony. Free will is based on ego, which can be destructive and soul destroying. When ego is allowed to rule the world of man, the balance of harmony and synchronicity is changed, and this is not always for the better.
God is still creating, because man is a creator. God and man are one with one another and cannot be separated. The equilibrium of the creation of the universe will once again be restored.
Heed this message. Create with love. Use your ego for good, not self. Own your part of the evolution of Earth.
This is the highest truth.
And so it is.
We bring forth the good news that the world is ablaze with light. Our God, the Creator, shines his light down upon the Earth and fills you all with his love and blessings. All you need to do is to open your heart to receive it, and you will also be ablaze.
When you are willing to open your heart to receive the light and love of God, you will know oneness with him. There will be no more feelings of separation or doom, for you will know what it is to have faith and trust without needing to worry about the future.
God gives of his love freely so that you, in turn, can shine it from your heart space out into the world. There is no other love but the love of God the Creator. When you love with your heart, you love with God's heart. When you shine your light, you are shining the light of God. God's light shines on the world and surrounds the Earth like a blanket. For those of you who already know what it is to love as God loves, shine your light on others. Show them the many blessings that come with knowing that all God requires is for man to love himself and others without restraint, judgement, condemnation, or barriers.
There are no restrictions on love; that is all there is. There are no boundaries or conditions on God's love. Religion is only required when one can find no other way to God's heart. If you have lost your way, Jesus will shine his light like a beacon and lead you to him, for he will always be there, ready and waiting, joyously welcoming you into the light. Then you will know peace without restrictions.
You will know God. You will know yourself.
You are one.
That is all.
Ascended Masters
Masters are the keepers of the universe and its knowledge. They are the flame that keeps that knowledge alive. Masters have lived many lives and learned many lessons, which they pass on to masters on both the ethereal and human planes.
Ascended Masters reside on the Upper Fifth Plane of Existence. They have ascended there through many lifetimes and by always being in service to God and to man. They know only love and feel only goodness in their hearts. Masters can teach you much, but they are also still learning themselves. They are grounded through the human body, and their work is manifested through the work of lightworkers on Earth. In some respects they are the behind-the-scenes workers who do their work tirelessly and for the greater good.
There are many Ascended Masters who still walk this Earth. The time that it takes to be born, to grow, and then to be awakened is offset by the coming to Earth of many Ascended Masters who have chosen to reincarnate for the benefit of the planet and of mankind. Many babies are of higher energies who have been here many times before. They know their way around, and they have much knowledge to impart. Their eyes hold the depth of their connection to Source and of the goodness in their hearts. They have much to teach and more to learn. They are the way-showers of the world, and they must be honoured for the lessons they bring.
The life of the Master on the Earthly Plane can be fraught with trauma and pain. Many higher energies who choose to come to Earth for the greater good find that the denseness of the energy is too great for them to handle, and they leave earlier than was intended. This is their choice, for which they must not be judged. It is the way of the world to manipulate those who give of their energy freely, and the condemnation of the world is an injustice to which the Master is unaccustomed. Many Masters choose harsh lessons on Earth so they may use this knowledge to benefit others. It is always harder in reality than it was in the planning. They know this, but the nature of the energy on Earth leaves them with little defences to fight the strong urges of the ego and of the materialism that is the plague of the human existence.
Judge not of what you know little about. Know that in all things there are lessons to be learned, and Masters must also learn them. The Masters who choose to stay in the ethereal realms are there to support, guide, and counsel those who are back on Earth. It is a symbiotic relationship that is essential to the health and well-being of the Earth-bound master. Those who have lost their way have usually lost their connection to their spiritual advisors and to Source. When this is reconnected they find their way and rediscover their life's purpose.
Many of those who have been awakened are now assisting those who have lost their way to rediscover the reasons they reincarnated back to Earth. This task is of the utmost importance, because it brings back into balance that which has been lost and forgotten. Many of you are noticing the awakening of those who have before been in slumber. The time is nigh for the awakening of the Earth and its Masters. This is a time of rejoicing and rediscovering. The veil is lifting, and for good reason.
Creator calls you to your purpose, and you will answer because that is why you are here. Mother Earth rejoices, and her sigh reverberates around the world and into the universe. We are reunited as one.
And so it is.
Excerpted from Raising the Energies of Mother Earth towards and after Ascension 2012 by Victoria Cochrane Copyright © 2013 by Victoria Cochrane. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.
Table of Contents
Foreword............................................................................................... xiPreface................................................................................................. xiii
Part One
The Highest Truth:
Master Saint Aloysius
The Creator of All That Is...................................................................... 3
The Sacredness of Life............................................................................ 5
Safe........................................................................................................ 7
Unspoken Truths.................................................................................... 9
The Dawning of Ages........................................................................... 11
Illumination......................................................................................... 13
Ascended Masters................................................................................. 15
Blessings............................................................................................... 17
Lessons................................................................................................. 19
Deliverance.......................................................................................... 21
Babylon................................................................................................ 25
Deity.................................................................................................... 27
Part Two
Messages from the Masters
The Greater Good................................................................................ 31
Ascension............................................................................................. 33
The Lightbody..................................................................................... 35
The Christ Consciousness.................................................................... 37
Living in the Light............................................................................... 39
The Concept of Oneness...................................................................... 41
Religion................................................................................................ 43
The Violet Flame................................................................................. 45
The Four Sacred Elements
Water................................................................................................... 49
Crystals................................................................................................ 51
Amethyst Crystals and the Violet Flame............................................... 53
Fire....................................................................................................... 55
Earth.................................................................................................... 57
Air........................................................................................................ 59
Exchanging Energy............................................................................... 61
Time.................................................................................................... 63
About the Author................................................................................. 65