Title: A Handbook of Pali Literature, Author: Oskar von Hinuber
Title: Central Asia on Display, Author: Gabbriele Rasuly-Paleczek
Title: Eve on Top: Women and the Experience of Success in the Public Sector, Author: Bernadette Casey
Title: South Asia 2060: Envisioning Regional Futures, Author: Adil Najam
Title: Die Sicherheit und Stabilitat Indiens: Historische, politische und wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen, Author: Gregor Hain
Title: Social Security in India and China: Reforms, Development and Determinants of Social Security Provision in India and China (2004-2009), Author: Chantel Ray
Title: Kautilya's Arthashastra: An Intellectual Portrait: The Classical Roots of Modern Politics in India, Author: Michael Liebig