Title: Evolution of Goddess: A Modern Girl's Guide to Activating Your Feminine Superpowers, Author: Emma Mildon
Title: Guided: Reclaiming the Intuitive Voice of Your Soul, Author: Hans Christian King
Title: Free Spirit: A Coloring Book for Calming Your Mind, Freeing Your Imagination, and Igniting Your Soul, Author: Jes MaHarry
Title: Bouncing Forward: The Art and Science of Cultivating Resilience, Author: Michaela Haas
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Title: The Awakened Woman: A Guide for Remembering & Igniting Your Sacred Dreams, Author: Tererai Trent
Title: The Yogi Code: Seven Universal Laws of Infinite Success, Author: Deborah Proctor Pd. D.
Title: The Keepers of Color: A Creative Hero's Journey into the World Within, Author: Jon Marro
Title: Just Breathe: Mastering Breathwork, Author: Sonia Nagi
Title: The Currency of Love: A Courageous Journey to Finding the Love Within, Author: Med Lamine Et Nasro
Title: The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times, Author: Anita L Sanchez PhD
Title: Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World, Author: Anita Moorjani