Title: The Solidarity of the Concordance, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: What Exists, Via Necessity, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: The Final Answer to Everything, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: Epic Thoughts: The Best Of, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: The Cause of Existence, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: Into the Lands Of the Gods, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: Willing the Will That Wills?, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: Rubaiyat of Eternal Secrets The Text, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: Philosophical Quantum Gravity, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: Austin's Rubaiyat: The Text, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: The Triumph Of Life, Love, and Being Illustrated, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: Austin's Golden Rubaiyat: The Text, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: The Triumph of Life, Love, and Being, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: The Theory of Everything Rubaiyat: The Text, Author: Austin P. Torney
Title: The Poetic Universe, Author: Austin P. Torney