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Title: The Carnelian Crow, Author: Colleen Gleason
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Title: Siberian Treasure, Author: C. M. Gleason
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Embrace the Night: The Heroes of New Vegas Book 2
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Title: The Heroes of New Vegas Starter Set, Author: Colleen Gleason
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Title: Roaring Dawn: Macey Book 3, Author: Colleen Gleason
Title: A Whisper of Rosemary, Author: Colleen Gleason
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Night Forbidden: The Heroes of New Vegas Book 5
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Title: Raging Dawn (Macey Gardella & Max Denton Series #2), Author: Colleen Gleason
Title: Night Resurrected, Author: Colleen Gleason
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Night Resurrected: The Heroes of New Vegas
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Title: La cazadora de vampiros, Author: Colleen Gleason
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The Chess Queen Enigma: A Stoker & Holmes Novel
by Colleen Gleason
Narrated by  Jayne Entwistle
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Title: Sanctuary of Roses, Author: Colleen Gleason
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