Title: Barefoot Gen: A Cartoon Story of Hiroshima, Volume One, Author: Keiji Nakazawa
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 2: The Day After / Edition 2, Author: Keiji Nakazawa
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 3: Life after the Bomb / Edition 2, Author: Keiji Nakazawa
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 4: Out of the Ashes, Author: First Last
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 5, Author: Keiji Nakazawa
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 6, Author: Keiji Nakazawa
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 7: Bones into Dust, Author: Keiji Nakazawa
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 8: Merchants of Death, Author: Keiji Nakazawa
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 9: Breaking Down Borders, Author: Keiji Nakazawa
Title: Barefoot Gen, Volume 10: Never Give Up, Author: First Last