Title: Duck (Starting Life Series), Author: Claire Llewellyn
Title: Are You My Mother?, Author: P. D. Eastman
Title: The Easter Egg Farm, Author: Mary Jane Auch
Title: A Mother's Journey, Author: Sandra Markle
Title: Little Crow to the Rescue/el Cuervito al Rescate, Author: Victor Villasenor
Title: Gossie & Friends: A First Flap Book, Author: Olivier Dunrea
Title: Birds, Author: Rene Mettler
Title: The Little Red Hen
Title: 10 Little Penguins: A Pop-Up Book, Author: Joelle Jolivet
Title: Parrots, Author: Henri Galeron
Title: The Egg, Author: Rene Mettler
Title: Birds, Author: Rene Mettler
Title: Bird Brainiacs: Activity journal and log book for young birders, Author: Stacy Tornio
Title: Owl Diaries Boxed Set, Books 1-5, Author: Rebecca Elliott
Title: Dance, Author: Matthew Van Fleet
Title: Backyard Birds: 101 Flashcards for Discovering Birds, Author: Todd Telander