Title: Into the Wild: Yet Another Misadventure, Author: Doreen Cronin
Title: As the Crow Flies: A Picture Book, Author: Sheila Keenan
Title: Nerdy Birdy, Author: Aaron Reynolds
Title: Woodpecker Wham!, Author: April Pulley Sayre
Title: Peep and Egg: I'm Not Taking a Bath, Author: Laura Gehl
Title: Chicken Feathers, Author: Joy Cowley
Title: Chicken Lily, Author: Lori Mortensen
Title: Just Like Us! Birds, Author: Bridget Heos
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Title: The Day I Became a Bird, Author: Ingrid Chabbert
Title: The Best Nest: Read & Listen Edition, Author: P. D. Eastman
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Title: Angry Birds Playground: Atlas: A Global Geography Adventure, Author: Elizabeth  Carney
Title: Little Bird's Bad Word: A Picture Book, Author: Jacob Grant
Title: Clucky the Hen, Author: Mar Pavón
Title: Nerdy Birdy Tweets, Author: Aaron Reynolds
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Title: Chickens to the Rescue, Author: John Himmelman
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