Title: Divorced, Desperate and Dating, Author: Christie Craig
Title: Weddings Can Be Murder, Author: Christie Craig
Title: Murder, Mayhem and Mama, Author: Christie Craig
Title: Fighting Back: A Shadow Falls Novella, Author: C. C. Hunter
Title: Divorced, Desperate and Dead, Author: Christie Craig
Title: Divorced, Desperate and Daring, Author: Christie Craig
Title: Divorced, Desperate and Delicious, Author: Christie Craig
#1 in Series
Title: Shut Up and Kiss Me, Author: Christie Craig
Title: Love, Laughter and a Little Murder: 3 Novels by Christie Craig, Author: Christie Craig
Title: Divorced, Desperate and Deceived, Author: Christie Craig
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Title: The Junkyard Cowboy, Author: Christie Craig
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Title: The Sea King, Author: Jolie Mathis
Title: Gotcha!, Author: Christie Craig
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Title: Divorced, Desperate and Dangerous, Author: Christie Craig
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Title: The Cop Who Stole Christmas, Author: Christie Craig
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Title: Stolen Treasure, Author: Betty Jacobson Hechtman
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