Title: The Snow Kingdom: Escape From Grubby's House, Author: D.L. Fox
Title: The Trouble With Scruffy, Author: Janet Barrington
Title: The Snow Cat: The Earth-Watchers, Author: Lester Ferguson
Title: Starbuck and Her Human's Closet, Author: Jennifer Lichty
Title: The Dalmatian Plantation: Max's Journey, Author: Teresa Anderson
Title: Haskell the Hare, Author: R. S. Nichols
Title: The Prophesy of Hermes: A Modern Greek Cat Becomes the Prophet, Author: Paul Watson
Title: Lions in the Sky: A Brian Pussycat Adventure as Told By Brian Himself!, Author: Karmin Bo
Title: Ponyshoes, Author: Daisy Dunn
Title: The Critter Crew: The Story Begins, Author: Ryan Gibson
Title: The Cats Who Crossed Over from Paris, Author: R.F. Kristi