Addicted to Love
In a powerful new young adult thriller, Addicted to Love, author Kathleen Murray paints a compelling portrait of the confusion and pain generated by an imbedded family system of dysfunction thriving during an American period of upheaval, the 1970s. Filled with rich characters and memorable references to a bygone era, the story is presented from the perspective of the central character, Sally Smithfield, who lives in the perceived safety of Chicago’s North Shore. Addicted to Love chronicles Sally Smithfield’s journey through the devastating residual after-effects of childhood abuse. The reader meets her first as a young child and then follows her through teen to young adult years as Sally’s world slowly unravels and her ability to navigate life’s challenges becomes ever more difficult. The dialogue and situations are compelling, realistic depictions of the 1970s which are both suspenseful and heart wrenching. This engaging story of courage and determination follows Sally’s travels from the familiar Chicago North Shore suburb of Northfield across the U.S. to St. Louis, MO and later to Scottsdale, AZ. Addicted to Love is an intensely moving account concerning family secrets, love and loss. Thoughtfully written and emotionally complex, Addicted to Love, appeals to readers who seek a gripping story of forgiveness and redemption.
Addicted to Love
In a powerful new young adult thriller, Addicted to Love, author Kathleen Murray paints a compelling portrait of the confusion and pain generated by an imbedded family system of dysfunction thriving during an American period of upheaval, the 1970s. Filled with rich characters and memorable references to a bygone era, the story is presented from the perspective of the central character, Sally Smithfield, who lives in the perceived safety of Chicago’s North Shore. Addicted to Love chronicles Sally Smithfield’s journey through the devastating residual after-effects of childhood abuse. The reader meets her first as a young child and then follows her through teen to young adult years as Sally’s world slowly unravels and her ability to navigate life’s challenges becomes ever more difficult. The dialogue and situations are compelling, realistic depictions of the 1970s which are both suspenseful and heart wrenching. This engaging story of courage and determination follows Sally’s travels from the familiar Chicago North Shore suburb of Northfield across the U.S. to St. Louis, MO and later to Scottsdale, AZ. Addicted to Love is an intensely moving account concerning family secrets, love and loss. Thoughtfully written and emotionally complex, Addicted to Love, appeals to readers who seek a gripping story of forgiveness and redemption.
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Addicted to Love

Addicted to Love

by Kathleen Murray
Addicted to Love

Addicted to Love

by Kathleen Murray


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In a powerful new young adult thriller, Addicted to Love, author Kathleen Murray paints a compelling portrait of the confusion and pain generated by an imbedded family system of dysfunction thriving during an American period of upheaval, the 1970s. Filled with rich characters and memorable references to a bygone era, the story is presented from the perspective of the central character, Sally Smithfield, who lives in the perceived safety of Chicago’s North Shore. Addicted to Love chronicles Sally Smithfield’s journey through the devastating residual after-effects of childhood abuse. The reader meets her first as a young child and then follows her through teen to young adult years as Sally’s world slowly unravels and her ability to navigate life’s challenges becomes ever more difficult. The dialogue and situations are compelling, realistic depictions of the 1970s which are both suspenseful and heart wrenching. This engaging story of courage and determination follows Sally’s travels from the familiar Chicago North Shore suburb of Northfield across the U.S. to St. Louis, MO and later to Scottsdale, AZ. Addicted to Love is an intensely moving account concerning family secrets, love and loss. Thoughtfully written and emotionally complex, Addicted to Love, appeals to readers who seek a gripping story of forgiveness and redemption.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781483560359
Publisher: BookBaby
Publication date: 04/18/2016
Pages: 300
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.90(d)
Age Range: 13 - 17 Years

About the Author

Raised in the Chicago North Shore suburbs, Kathleen has always been a communicator. As a twin, she was most likely communicating well before birth. She grew up around a cast of characters and became intrigued with learning about what makes us all do the wacky things we do as nearly the youngest member of a large family. A career in business and marketing taught her the power of prose in allowing her to focus in on a singular product and marketing definition or in the development of a complex promotional concept. Today Kathleen continues as an avid pupil of people, their stories, and the various ways they express themselves. She is proud to call Arizona home and is married to a wonderful husband and has two adult children.
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