Title: Politics, Rights, Guns: The Great Political Dysfunction, Author: Potowmack
Title: The Radical Wrong: Lies Our Founding Fathers Never Told Us: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Others Refute Right-Wing Extremists, Author: Victor Daniels Ph.D.
Title: American Séance: Raising the Most Powerful Country in History from the Dead., Author: Johnson
Title: Situating Putin: Why He's Not Going Away and How That Matters, Author: William Sweet
Title: The Great Dysmorphia, Author: Stephen Markley
Title: Eyes Wide Shut: Understanding the Global System, Author: Vivian Ellis Jr.
Title: Vote Like Me, Author: Brendan Casey
Title: Liban : De la Non-République à la République-poubelle: (Chroniques 2008-2015), Author: Adib Y Tohme
Title: Ruff-Around Politics: The Political Candidate's Guide to Earning
Title: Radical Ideas, Author: Lawrence Kamm
Title: Why We Left the Left: Personal Stories by Leftists/Liberals Who Evolved to Embrace Libertarianism, Author: Tom Garrison
Title: A Preemie Parent's Survival Guide to the NICU, Author: Megan Grandinetti
Title: What It Means To Be Black: A 365 Day Journey, Author: Kingsley A. Waring
Title: Tiptoeing on Minefields, Author: Joelle Fiss