Title: Charleston Cooking Club: 2012 - Around the World, Author: Britt Michaelson
Title: Recipes from Pitty Pat's Porch: A Southern Novel, Author: P.B. Hudson
Title: Pasta Improv: How to Improvise in Classic Italian Style, Author: Erica De Mane
Title: The Gourmet Popcorn Cookbook, Author: A. Ann Gull
Title: Deans Home Recipes: Home Cooking Recipes, Author: Billy Mitchell
Title: Deans Candy Recipes: Candy Recipes, Author: Dean Mitchell
Title: FitNFun4Kids Kids Cookbook: (In English and Spanish), Author: Winnifer Washington
Title: Cooking For Comfort: Feel-Good Pork Recipes, Classic to Contemporary, Author: National Pork Board
Title: Inspired Home Cooking, Author: Julie A. Noble
Title: Yellow Dog Cafe Cookbook, Author: Stuart J. Borton